SML Isuzu (SMLI), the erstwhile ‘Swaraj Mazda’, has carved a niche for itself in the Indian commercial vehicle market over the last three decades. It was the first manufacturer to supply state-of-the-art fully-built buses, ambulances and customized vehicles that gave it a loyal customer base in different parts of the country. The company, well aware of the strong competition it is up against, is planning to come up with new and exciting products with advanced features and technology to draw the attention of today’s discerning customer.

Mr. Eiichi Seto, Managing Director and CEO, SML Isuzu, says: “With the entry of new global players in the market, there is growing need for new products specific to vast and diverse end-users. Presently our product offerings cater to schools, staff and tourist segments. As the Indian economy is growing at a fast pace, we are expecting two-digit growth by 2020. With the rise in disposable income of Indian consumers there is an increasing need for more comfort and luxury features in the vehicles. We understand the changing trends in the market and our focus for 2020 is to enrich our product range with the latest and advanced features fully meeting the expectations of our consumers”.
2020 plans
SML Isuzu’s motto is to “Be the best, be the one”. The road map to success for the vehicle manufacturer is keeping its customers happy, especially since the modern customer expects comfort, more features as well as safety, whereas the transporter fraternity is all privy of the performance, economy, less operational and maintenance cost and SMLI is all braced for this. The company is executing a Rs. 220-crore capital expenditure project at its plant for quality improvement, product enhancement and productivity optimization.
As the Central Government is poised for developing smart cities by expanding as well as modernizing the infrastructure for public transport, SMLI is geared up to offer quality products suitable for public transport in modern India.
Mr. Seto adds: “We at SML Isuzu never compromise on environment conservation and safety. As the emission norms are getting tighter year after year, by 2020 we foresee the enforcement of BS-VI emission norms in the CV industry and are committed to keep up with the changes in this sphere as well. To talk about safety and adherence to the Government regulations, all our buses comply with the latest Bus Body Code even though there is a delay in implementing such norms. We also offer CNG-fuelled vehicles, adhering to the Government norms. It is a comparatively cleaner and cheaper fuel option, resulting in lower air pollution and good fuel economy.”
It is three decades since SMLI rolled out its first vehicle in the market. The manufacturer expects healthy competition as more and more global players are entering the market with a new range of products. In order to advance ahead in the ever increasing competition, SMLI’s prime focus is on customer satisfaction.
“Our policies have always been customer centric. We constantly strive to improve the quality of our products and service continuously. We would be missing the woods for the trees if we don’t factor in the environment. As a responsible transport solution providing company we are committed to deliver environment-friendly and safe products to our patrons. In an endeavor to keep our product mix up-to-date, we just can’t turn a blind eye to integration of the latest IT systems. The modern customer is technology savvy with a wider use of mobile applications. The advanced telematics features and fleet management systems in vehicles ensure more safety and better performance”, Mr. Seto concludes.
By Rajeswari Prasad