Composites are a relatively new concept in the Indian market, but given the size of the country, its population and the need for safe and efficient transport modes and systems, there is tremendous potential for high quality composite solutions.

We at Lamilux Composites are Europe’s leading player in FRP flat sheets manufacturing in continuous production lines, supplying to a number of Indian truck body manufacturers spread out all over the country. Our prompt and steady supply is supported by domestic support from our Delhi warehouse and with GST in the line to come, distribution within India is all set to become easier and cheaper.
Given the present scenario in the Indian market, the opportunities for composites are ample.
“The present demand for refrigerated transport is estimated by National Cold Chain Development Centre (NCCD) with 61000 vehicles against 9000 existing ones”
Caravans/motor homes
We have not even scratched the surface of this potential future opportunity. As being the world leader in innovative Caravan FRP manufacturer, we are aware that there is a growing demand for this family friendly travel alternative. State governments like the one from Madhya Pradesh is already supporting Caravan Tourism and has started developing camping sites and travel routes for this purpose.
Of course it is still a young idea, but feedback from various Indian customers leaves us to believe that by 2020 it will be a dream come true for families to travel around comfortably and independently.
Health vans/ambulances
See the opportunity of medical health vans as mobile support to hospitals to facilitate medical treatment in villages. Especially in hilly areas light weight vans are of a big advantage. We see a lot of development in the growing number of ambulances too. 66% of rural Indians do not have access to critical medicine and 31% travel more than 30 km to seek health care.
Light weight body structures will lower diesel and petrol consumption of health transportation and therefor additional funds will be available for other important services.
Bus transport
Needless to say that public bus transport is critical in curbing the rising transport needs and air pollution in Indian cities. New Hybrid and electrical buses with particular light weight structures are a must for alternative options to carry passengers. LAMILUX is already supporting this move by introducing and supplying a special 2.0 mm light weight FRP for bus roofs.
Any kind of FRP sandwich panel structure is a logic answer to heavy steel structures. The time has come where logistics companies value the benefits of FRP bodies and trust in their energy efficiency, strength, stability and sturdiness.
Delivery vans
Demand is also growing for light weight city delivery vans for distribution in heavily populated areas. E-commerce is mushrooming and swift delivery within city range is developing fast. Insulated FRP boxes are mounted on small vehicles and E-Rickshaws.
Dry freight bodies
Light weight dry freight truck bodies are the norm abroad. With increasing road development these FRP truck bodies will soon start to replace heavy steel trucks in dry freight applications. Discussions are also on the able for light weight trucks for export to other countries.
Reefer truck bodies
In India only 3.5% of fresh fruits and vegetable are transported in temperature controlled atmosphere. In China it is
75% and in the US the number stands at 85%. The present demand for refrigerated transport is estimated by National Cold Chain Development Centre (NCCD) with 61,000 vehicles against 9,000 existing ones. We are looking at a gap of 85,000 Modern Pack Houses for storage at farm level and around 70,000 ripening chambers to increase the quality of storage and reduce wastage of fruits and vegetables. LAMILUX considers this as a potential growth factor for its operation in India. Even if it takes time, we see a steady growth towards the right direction.
Even if infrastructure is still missing, it is the biggest opportunity for economic growth. Some like to speculate that with increasing supply of fresh products and delivery costs come down, we might be facing a revolution in the way we transport these additionally available products from farm to customer.
It does not always have to be a refrigerated truck body, because any FRP sandwich technology supports the idea of insulation and therefore to prolong the life of products.
At Lamilux Composites, we have the best answers for light weight body structures with innovative FRP solutions, be it for caravans, ambulances, health vans, buses, dry freight truck bodies or reefer trucks.
Our wide range of high tech FRP/GRP includes the newly developed 100% bacteria resistant Anti Bac FRP, High Strength Extreme Epoxy FRP for standalone truck body solutions, High Impact (HI) for rough inside use of CV body structures or be it a special 2.0 mm FRP with 48% glass content for bus roofs. All of these outstanding qualities come in addition to a high quality standard FRP with a consistency in strength and performance.
Lamilux has it all when it comes to replacement of steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Eying the widespread opportunities in the Indian CV market, Lamilux was driven to invest in Market Development and expansion over the past few years. The transition from heavy truck bodies to light weight ones is happening in every country in the world. It is a natural and logical transition that takes different time spans. India has already taken big steps in this direction.
With Government plans and structures in place it still remains a challenge to cope with the needs for creating and modernizing infrastructure in the country. It is a race in time to bring infrastructure to the next level.
In the CV industry like in any other industry the levels of interest rates for financial instruments are high compared to other countries. Cash flow strapped companies therefore tend to divert credit lines to their suppliers what creates a chain of delayed payments. The market can only grow with additional money available.
However, we see changes in RBI policies that point towards more organized and open financial opportunities that will slowly increase flexibility in the market.
Modern technologies and products
To go with the flow and to quickly increase safety and hygienic standards in the CV industry, superior quality products shall get a quick chance for implementation. For example, Lamilux developed a 100% bacteria resistant FRP (with quality of killing remaining bacteria) used in the Cold chain and Health industry. Although costlier it will support modernization and safety for transport standards.
With stability in the domestic political and economic environment in place a positive development can be trusted. Although slow at times, it is the steadiness that will shape the market for future prospects in all segments mentioned earlier.
The speed of growth might vary between different segments like health vans or delivery vans, but the overall picture is bright.
With the way paved for GST to come the necessary reform process is kick-started and will create its own momentum. By 2020 we should be able to look at a balanced and integrated system with lots of hurdles removed.
For Lamilux Composites the key element is a long term commitment with profound technical and sales support within India. We create long term relationships based on trust and support by ensuring availability of our FRP range within India. The future looks bright as there is no doubt that the whole industry will move towards light weight and modern technologies.
By Dr. Cosima Klinger-Paul, Managing Director, Lamilux India Private Ltd.