Amara Raja Group donates Rs.6 crores to CM relief Fund

In a bid to lend a more meaningful support to the society, in the wake of the global pandemic COVID 19, as a socially responsible organisation, the Amara Raja Group has announced a donation of a sum of ₹ Six Crores. Amara Raja informed that out of the Six crores, Five Crores will be donated to the Andhra Pradesh CM relief fund and One Crore to Telangana CM relief fund towards supporting all the measures being undertaken by Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This contribution by the Organization will be including the one day salary contribution by employees of Amara Raja Group.

Over and above contributions from the organisation, Mr Jayadev Galla, Vice- Chairman of Amara Raja Group, in his capacity as the Member of Parliament, Guntur has announced a sum of ₹ Two and half Crores from his MPLADS fund for prevention of COVID-19 in his parliamentary constituency.

Further, Rajanna Trust, the CSR arm of Amara Raja Group informed that they will continue to support with medical essentials from an earmarked exclusive fund to take up initiatives towards supporting government hospitals in Chittoor district and Guntur district, fighting on the pandemic. The fund will be utilised primarily to focus on public health and essentials supplies towards Containment, Control and Prevention of spread of COVID – 19. The initiatives have already started with Rs 5 Lakh worth masks, gloves and sanitizers being donated in the presence of Chittoor Dist. Collector a few days ago.

The Relief fund cheques were handed over to AP CM office through the District Collector, Mr. Narayana Bharath Gupta, by Dr Ramachandra N Galla, Chairman of Amara Raja Group, along with Dr Ramadevi Gourineni, Managing Director, Amara Raja Infrastructure and Mr G. Vijaya Naidu, President (Group Quality & HSE).  At Hyderabad, for the Telangana CM Relief fund, the cheque was handed over to Mr K.T. Rama Rao, Minister of MA & UD, Industries and IT & C by Mr. S.Vijayanand, CEO of Amara Raja Batteries Ltd and Mr. Jaikrishna.B, President-Group HR of Amara Raja Group.

Commenting on the recent developments, Dr Ramachandra N Galla, Chairman of Amara Raja Group said, “Amara Raja group stands in solidarity with the government in its efforts to fight the pandemic of COVID -19, with the healthcare workers tirelessly standing on the frontline fighting day and night to overcome the Corona virus and with the people of the country. Alongside our social endeavours, internally we are geared up to support our employees, customers, community and all our stakeholders.”

As the world and India combats with the threats of COVID 19, Amara Raja Group has been constantly ramping up its endeavours. Over the past few weeks, the organization has taken several initiatives to combat the crisis both externally and internally.  The group created a corporate task force, comprising of senior leadership of the organization and medical professionals, to scan the entire operating environment and to monitor the compliance to guidelines set by the Central and State Government. As the situation evolves dynamically each passing day, the task force is also responsible to formulate and execute new action plans to combat the pandemic. Extensive preventive and controlling measures have been rolled out, not only in the manufacturing facilities, but also various offices and field employees of the group across the country. Furthermore, the group has also implemented measures like restrictions on travel, work from home, thermal screening, health checks and appropriate quarantine guidelines.

The group has shut down all the operations – based on the guidelines from both Govts at State and Centre in the larger interest of Health and Safety of all employees and communities. Except for the essential services and those on work from home mode, no business activity is now being carried out. As part of ongoing commitment, Amara Raja is in constant touch with its customers and exploring all possible steps to provide support to the States and Central government in running essential services and essential utilities wherever possible.

The Amara Raja Group is leaving no stone unturned to fight this crisis and to tide over the adversity. Amara Raja reiterates its commitment to uphold its values in this moment of crisis.