The Anand Group, one of the largest and most respected auto component conglomerates in the country, was present in full splendor at the Auto Expo Components Show this year. The group, known for its highly successful joint ventures with top global brands such as Mando, Mahle-Behr, Mahle, Federal Mogul, Faurecia, Spicer, Takata, Haldex, Henkel, Valeo, and others, in addition to its own brand Gabriel, put out its complete range of components catering to the entire spectrum of the automotive industry, including commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles and two-wheelers.

The Anand Group chose the currently popular ‘Make in India’ theme for the show as depicted by the steel lion made of the various components and products it offers. Said Mr. V. Madhavan, President – Group Business Development, Anand Automotive (P) Ltd.: “The ‘Make in India’ campaign has caught the imagination of the whole world, and not just India. We were present at the ACMA Tech show in Japan a few months back and could see everyone excited by the Make in India idea. We wanted to encapsulate the same feeling in India, and since most of our group companies are working on areas like increasing localization of components and products, we felt it could form the essence of our participation in Auto Expo this year.”
When asked as to what differentiates the Anand Group from other auto component houses in the country, Mr. Madhavan was quick to respond: “We work in partnership with our foreign partners who are global leaders in their respective fields. We provide globally-proven technology and are driven by local management talent and local systems which are best suited for the Indian market, offering the last-mile interface to its customers, which is where we differentiate ourselves from other suppliers.”
The Anand Group has consistently outpaced the market in the last three-four years, growing at a CAGR of over 12 to 13 per cent during the period, which is much higher than the market CAGR of five-six per cent. The company is on track to end FY16 with a jump in turnover in the range of 13 to 14 per cent, and with the market looking up quite well, it expects to do even better in FY17.