With an experience spanning 45 years in the tyre industry and with a dream and focus to build a tyre known for its quality, along with a brand known for its assurance and reliability, the effort of Mr. Kumar Wadhwani finally paid off when he, along with his Aramis brand, made an appearance at Tyrexpo Asia 2015 in Singapore.

Speaking of the tyre, Mr. Wadhwani observed: “The time needed to understand the demands & requirements of the Indian customers, along with acquiring a deep understanding of the road infrastructure in India, was long. But, in the end, it was worth the effort to design and come up with a product which is specifically manufactured keeping in mind the needs & demands of the Indian consumer.”
Mr. Wadhwani has joined forces with Changemytyre, the exclusive dealer of Aramis tyres & tubes, to bring these carefully crafted, custom-built products to the Indian market.
Aramis tyres offer three different patterns in various sizes totalling five SKUs. These tyres are built with the sole objective of providing a safe and comfortable ride to the Indian motorcycle rider in the harshest of road conditions.