Arturo Baroncelli elected IFR President

The IFR Executive Board has elected Mr. Arturo Baroncelli, Comau Robotics, Italy, and Mr. Joe Gemma, Staubli, USA, as IFR President and Vice President respectively.

At the recent General Assembly meeting, Baroncelli thanked the former President, Dr. Shinsuke Sakakibara, Fanuc, for his dedicated work for the International Federation of Robotics during his two-year term of office. He will retire from the IFR Executive Board and General Assembly but will still represent Fanuc within the Robot Suppliers Group.

Mr. Arturo Baroncelli stated: “The worldwide visibility of the robotics industry continued to increase remarkably during the presidency of Dr. Sakakibara. I want to continue this and I want to raise a positive image and understanding of robotics. Robots create jobs! Robots increase the competiveness and productivity of manufacturing companies all over the world creating successful enterprises which raise employment. Robots are becoming easier to use and hence also help small and medium-sized companies to improve their production processes.”

Mr. Joe Gemma observed: “Automation and robotics is the only way companies can truly compete on the world stage and at the same time have the flexibility to adapt to the dynamic manufacturing environment today and tomorrow. The future is through embracing this technology and sharing the advances it represents. The IFR plays a critical role in spearheading this effort globally.”