Ashok Leyland has inaugurated a new ‘Women-centric Cabin Trim Line’ at its Pantnagar plant. To promote gender diversity and equity and to attract more women to the manufacturing industry, Ashok Leyland has set up this line with women being the majority of the workforce. The defining feature of this initiative is its leadership structure, where women take charge in every aspect, spanning production, sourcing, quality assurance and production planning.

The Women-centric Cabin Trim Line has been inaugurated during this festive season to celebrate womanhood, exemplifying the resilience and strength of women across the country. The newly inaugurated line will address the growing demand of large-size cabins for commercial vehicles. This line has a capacity of assembling 56 Cabins per shift and will be operating in 2 shifts.
Commenting on the initiative, Shenu Agarwal, Managing Director & CEO, Ashok Leyland said, “At Ashok Leyland, we believe in the importance of creating a more diverse workforce. The new, women-centric line at our Pantnagar plant reinforces our belief in creating a more inclusive ecosystem at Ashok Leyland. We have always had diversity and inclusion as our top priorities, ensuring that irrespective of gender and ethnicity everyone has access to equal opportunities This endeavour seeks to enhance the skills and employability of these women, enabling them to pursue their dreams. This perfectly aligns with our brand philosophy of “Koi Manzil Door Nahin”.”
Ganesh Mani, Chief Operating Officer, Ashok Leyland said, “It is a proud moment for us at Ashok Leyland to pave the way for women in manufacturing, ensuring that they have the right platform to shine. The ‘Women-centric Cabin Trim Line’ exemplifies our commitment to building a more diverse manufacturing organisation which challenges conventions and stereotypes, particularly within the historically male-dominated manufacturing sector. This initiative will create opportunities for a more diverse workforce and will foster an environment of equality.”
Raja Radhakrishnan, President & Head – HR, Ashok Leyland said, “The newly inaugurated ‘Women-centric Cabin Trim Line’ perfectly aligns with our ethos of championing gender diversity, equity and inclusion. As we move forward, our strategic focus revolves around cultivating a more diverse workforce, and we are making substantial investments in the training and enhancement of manufacturing skills among our women workforce.”
The Cabin Trim line will serve as a production line where the painted vehicle cabins will be meticulously put together, complete with vital components like the steering system, windshields, windows, electronic elements, headlights, and driver seats. After the installation of these components, the vehicle will undergo thorough testing to ensure that all functions, crucial for a safe and comfortable driving experience, are in optimal working order.