Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Award for Apollo Tyres

MI-Jan-13-small-118_1Apollo Tyres Ltd. was recently conferred the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Award (AREA) 2012 South Asia. The company received the Award in the Health Promotion category for its HIV-AIDS initiative, and Mr. Sunam Sarkar, Chief Financial Officer, received it from the Enterprise Asia team.

Apollo Tyres has been working towards awareness and prevention of HIV-AIDS amongst employees, business partners and communities since 2001. Today, apart from having an HIV-AIDS policy at the workplace.

Apollo runs as many as 21 health care centres in the major transport hubs for the trucking community across India. In addition, the company also conducts sensitisation sessions for its business partners with the help of in-house master trainers.

Commenting on this, Mr. Onkar S. Kanwar, Chairman, Apollo Tyres Ltd., said: “Caring for society has always been a core value at Apollo Tyres. And, an award of such merit and standing only strengthens our resolve to ensure that our social responsibility initiatives continue to be treated as key business goals, backed by a long-term strategic business thought and sound business processes.”

In the past fiscal, the 21 health care centres run by Apollo Tyres treated over 4,500 patients for sexually transmitted infections and over 38,500 patients for general health issues. Besides, over 29,500 people underwent counselling on HIV-AIDS and 13,000 people underwent voluntary testing for HIV-AIDS.

Enterprise Asia’s Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) program recognises and honours Asian businesses for championing sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in categories like Green Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment, SME CSR and Responsible Business Leadership.