Prescription for 22% driver shortage

Mid-fortyish, lean and emaciated Kush Singh is as eager as me to complete the journey from…

Is truck driver solely responsible for highway accidents?

India has among the highest number of road accident casualties in the world. Every four minutes,…

IRC India – The innovative streak

Circa 2012. When the handset rang, Ashok Gupta looked at the number on the dial and…

Transport innovation @ Hero Motocorp By Ramesh Kumar

With competition hotting up, Hero Motocorp Limited, the world’s largest two-wheeler manufacturers based out of India,…

Footloose, south of Vindhyas

When I flew out of Delhi around Indian Republic Day on a 24-day whirlwind tour of…

Divyansha Automobiles, Jaipur ‘MAN’oeuvring for marketshare

At the age of sweet seventeen, Sandeep Moondra – well, that’s how he spells his surname…

MERCURIO PALLIA LOGISTICS: European (d)alliance!

Come what may, the Indian automotive industry is unlikely to slow down in the years to…

Kailash Vahan: Future-Ready

Pune-headquartered automotive solution provider targeting a four-fold turnover in five years with an investment of Rs.90…