Bangkok Tire Expo 2014 a big success

Mr. Peram Prasada Rao, Project Director, TechnoBiz, addressing the CEO Dinner meet

Global Rubber, Latex & Tire Expo 2014 (GRTE 2014) held at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC) during March 12-15 and designed to be a global meeting point for rubber, latex and tire industries proved a big success. The expo, comprising Rubber Technology Expo 2014, Rubber Products World Expo 2014 and Bangkok International Tire Expo 2014, attracted over 200 exhibitors. There were five speciliased conferences focusing on the latest rubber compounding technology, tire industry advancements, global rubber markets growth, and adhesive technology.

Bangkok-Tire-Expo-pic-3The 60 short training courses held during the exhibition were sponsored by 20 world-nowned and well-experienced technical experts. The Global Rubber & Tire CEO Dinner 2014 was a network event for top management from rubber, latex and tire industries. Also provided at the exhibition were free rubber molding process trouble-shooting charts for pre-registered visitors, who are originally rubber molders.