A milestone created, a milestone crossed

BharatBenz medium-duty trucks cross 10 lakh plus kilometers and the three discerning customers are proud of the milestone achieved. Based in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram and Thrissur districts, all three businesses took a decade or a little less to achieve the landmark. Sarada Vishnubhatla meets T Mohanan of TMS Fruits, P T Davis of Thomson Chicken and Suresh A of Attukal Agency to document their insights on this remarkable feat and finds out that they are now raring to reach the next milestone with BharatBenz’s MDTs. Photographs are by Anant Narasimhan.
TMS Fruits – Growing by leaps and bounds with BharatBenz
The bustling streets of Balaramapuram in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala have the tendency to suck you into a whirlwind of activity. Balaramapuram, known as the most ‘urbanized’ panchayat in the district of Thiruvananthapuram, is dotted with small and big shops, vendors selling lottery tickets, people sipping hot tea from the next-door chaya kada or the tea shop. Amidst all the chaos, there stands TMS Fruits – calm yet busy – bursting with baskets of gleaming fruits and vegetables enticing passersby to check out the fresh goods.

We meander our way to meet T Mohanan, Partner and Owner, TMS Fruits (TMS) who instantly regrets that the other partner, S Ansari, is occupied elsewhere but sits down to talk with us. The two childhood friends and classmates in school established TMS Fruits together two decades ago. With a turnover of more than Rs. 30 crores, TMS offers express service in wholesale sourcing and distribution of fruits mainly, but vegetables also. During our talk, Mohanan introduces us to his driver, Prashanth R P, who has been with them since the day TMS was born.
Miles Achieved, More To Go
Mohanan and Prashanth seem to put Tennessee Williams’ famous lines to test. The popular American playwright and screenwriter had said in his famous play ‘The Glass Menagerie’ (1944) that ‘Time is the longest distance between two places.’ Prashanth and the partners have overcome the challenge of covering the distance between three different states with ease. And all three give the credit to BharatBenz trucks, wholeheartedly.
Mohanan is proud of Prashanth both for his dedication as a driver and for having crossed 11.3 lakh kilometers in nine years. A calm driver, Prashanth has been ferrying goods between Thiruvananthapuram, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Mohanan shares: “We source fruits from Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu and bring the produce to our storage in Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram. We load smaller trucks here and send them off to supply to our customers. Our priority is to source fresh fruits and get them quickly to our customers equally fresh. And that requires our trucks to run smoothly, seamlessly and without any downtime on the way.”
Prashanth says: “On an average day, I drive anywhere between 800 and 1000 kilometers. If I am loading in Bangalore around midday, then I must reach the market here by 4 am.”
Being on the road comes with its own set of challenges. Yet, since the time TMS bought BharatBenz trucks, their business has only grown by leaps and bounds.
Mohanan explains: “With other brands, I would surely have to buy new trucks every three years. Instead, with BharatBenz trucks, I have been able to invest that amount into expanding our business.”
Prashanth pitches in: “The truck is still running with the original engine and transmission even after covering 11 lakh plus kilometers.”
Mohanan adds further: “If I load the material in Maharashtra on time, my BharatBenz helps me reach my destination also on time. In these nine years, I have not had any vehicle-related stress. A customer getting the load on time is directly proportional to the growth of my business.”
Person Of Influence
Mohanan takes pride in the fact that today he is looked upon as one with perfect hindsight when it comes to BharatBenz MDTs among the businessmen there.
He reminisces: “I remember the time when I was contemplating buying their trucks for my business, many people here asked me why I would opt for a brand when I had no idea how it will perform, the fuel efficiency or the mileage it will give. Now, everyone has seen how my trucks are performing and how I have grown my business in this decade. They inquire about my experience today and I tell them the truth. I tell them how the vehicles are still running smoothly without any major repairs to date. In my business, no downtime means business growth.”
Prashanth vouches for it too: “If the truck has a problem anywhere on the route – whether to or from Maharashtra, Karnataka or Tamil Nadu, their service team reaches me in the shortest time possible. It has happened many times that they have resolved the issue within an hour.”
Now, Mohanan has become the unofficial ambassador of BharatBenz trucks in his neighbourhood since people consult him before buying their trucks. Both Mohanan and Prashanth confide that even at the peak of the COVID pandemic in the last two years, their vehicles have never stood idle.
He shares: “Currently, I have three BharatBenz trucks and I have booked one more 1415 RE. My partner and I are sure that whenever we buy trucks in the future, they will be BharatBenz. It is not only because of the performance, reliability and mileage that I get but it is also because of their dealership here, Autobahn Trucking. They have always stood by us.” He prefers company AMC for all the vehicles and wishes to extend it for his prized truck.
His intense wish is for BharatBenz to introduce 1-5 tonners so that he can buy them and expand his business.
He says with a smile: “We will be happy to own the whole range of their trucks. There is no point in buying other vehicle brands when I am getting the best from BharatBenz.”
He requires no more words for his confidence in BharatBenz trucks speaks for itself!

Thomson Chicken and BharatBenz – Partners in success
Navigating the busy streets of Kombadinjamakkal in Thrissur, the cultural capital of Kerala, to reach the residence of P T Davis, Managing Director, Thomson Chicken, is tricky. Not only because of the tongue-twister of a name –for those coming from out of state – but also because you have to quickly get out of the way of people rushing to access work on their two-wheelers or wait for the fast-moving trucks down the narrow roads.
This peaceful neighbourhood in Thrissur fondly calls Davis the Chicken King. His company, Thomson Chicken posted over Rs. 100 crores as their latest turnover, and is part of the Thomson Group which was founded in 1982. Their primary business is to rear, and trade chicken.
Davis shares: “We transport chicken feed from Coimbatore and take it to our captive chicken farms all over the place. Our 13 BharatBenz trucks have been serving us well in our business. And my 914 R has even crossed 10 lakh kilometers in under a decade.”
Making The Right Choice
Davis is a key player in the poultry industry in Kerala as the owner of multiple poultry farms. He also owns several quarries and crusher businesses in Thrissur for which he has bought 15 tippers from BharatBenz.
Davis says: “When BharatBenz introduced a new truck almost a decade ago we decided to buy and experience its performance and mileage. It has been an impressive show. Even today, my BharatBenz truck has had no major maintenance problems. The best part is that their trucks require low maintenance, give comparatively good mileage, but most importantly, my drivers are happy.”
His drivers like the ergonomics of the seats, the comfort of the cabin, and they like the tough truck body and its fitness. His drivers and Davis are confident that even in case of a mishap, the body can withstand the damage and keep the person and the cargo safe.
Quantifying Excellence
In the initial three years of owning his first BharatBenz truck, Davis had it run from Kumily in Kerala’s Idukki district to Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and back – a distance of roughly 640 kilometers – continuously every day, with two drivers that were put on the job round-the-clock. Such were the demands of his business.
“The truck would get only three hours of rest in a day. Interestingly, one of the drivers was taller than the other. Since BharatBenz truck has an adjustable steering, it suited both of them. The trucks have proved that they are practically breakdown-free. It keeps me stress-free,” Davis shares and laughs.
He continues: “My drivers do not have to worry about parts needing repair constantly. And we are confident that if the vehicle is on the way to get chicken feed from Coimbatore, it will return without any trouble on the way.”
Dependable Service
When BharatBenz introduced their trucks in Kerala, they had only one service center in Ernakulam making Davis think hard before buying their vehicles.
He shares: “I kept thinking if the truck breaks down or has a problem or is in need of servicing and spares, how would I source them all from Ernakulam.”
BharatBenz assured him to take care of any problem his trucks may face, following which Davis decided to buy the vehicles.
He agrees: “The trucks have given me good performance, and the dealer, Autobahn Trucking, has always offered prompt and quick service to me. During the COVID pandemic, they introduced door-step service, so my vehicles did not need to go anywhere.”
He talks about future purchases: “Right now, I do not have any requirement for new vehicles, but I believe BharatBenz is going to introduce a 1015 R truck with more tonnage and I have heard that it will require even less maintenance. So, that may be my future vehicle.”
If Davis received three years of AMC from BharatBenz earlier on the trucks he has bought, today he can avail 10 years of AMC on the new 1015 R model.
Davis confides: “I am confident that BharatBenz will take care of complete maintenance. I am told that if I run the vehicle as per their guidance, I will be saving 60-70 paise per kilometre on fuel. This is a good deal for any truck operator.”
Truly, all that a fleet owner requires is reliability and commitment of service from a truck manufacturer and follow through… and that is something Davis has been experiencing first-hand with BharatBenz.

Attukal Agency’s exponential growth with BharatBenz
Once upon a time this old river was the face of the ancient city of Thiruvananthapuram. The historical river goes by the name of Karamana and has been an inspiration to many great poets, music composers, fine arts, culture, and architecture. Gradual modernization has pushed this beautiful, ancient river to flow quietly in the background – though still quenching the literal and metaphorical thirst – under the deep shadows cast by banyan, bamboo, wild cane, mangroves, coconut, screw pine, othalam trees and other vegetation.
Suresh A, Partner, Attukal Agency decides to take us to the river bank one fine cloudy afternoon. The peace in the area near the bathing ghats is only delicately interrupted by chirping birds and of course, our interaction in muted voices.
Suresh shares the facts about his business: “I started Attukal Agency more than 15 years ago to ferry bread and bakery items for Elite. The current turnover of my company is more than Rs. 3.6 crores and I bought BharatBenz trucks 12 years ago. I sometimes like to drive myself and take the load between Coimbatore and Ernakulam.”
His 914 R truck has crossed 10 lakh kilometers, and according to him, buying it has been one of his best decisions in business.
He says: “Apart from the regular servicing, my BharatBenz truck has not needed any major repairs to date. BharaBenz vehicles are meant for long distance logistics. And my deliveries involve going to Thrissur, Hosur from Thiruvananthapuram and back. I have driven other vehicles also but, in my experience, they are not ideal for this. They may run the distance but cannot maintain consistency in mileage and sometimes they do not reach on time.”
On Time, Every Time
Suresh is a stickler for punctuality because his customers are strict about receiving the stock at a prescribed time. Attukal Agency transports bakery items such as wheat flour, refined flour, and other relevant raw materials for Elite. And, it is due to his punctuality that his contracts get renewed every year by Elite and other customers.
He agrees: “BharatBenz trucks are dependable and that is why I can confidently commit to my deliveries and reach my destination on time with stock. After using BharatBenz, I have not had a reason to think about buying trucks from other manufacturers.”
As an occasional driver himself, Suresh knows that BharatBenz truck cabins are highly comfortable and that their service team always comes to his rescue if there is a breakdown or trouble on the road.
Suresh elaborates: “With other vehicles, I feel stressed that the truck can have a potential breakdown after every couple of lakhs of kilometers. A breakdown means repair, and downtime which I cannot afford since it is my responsibility to transport the customers’ stock in time so that they do not suffer losses on my account.”

He further adds: “With other trucks, I have to save money for sending them for any repairs in case of a breakdown. Also, I cannot run them for 300-400 kilometers at a stretch. But with BharatBenz, even after running for more than 10 lakh kilometers, my truck is still going strong and running smoothly. That is the reason I am not going for any other vehicle. With others, I would have to change vehicles after every 3-4 years. But with BharatBenz, I do not have to.”
Emotional Connect
Suresh believes in the expression – first vehicle is the best vehicle – and has implicit faith and confidence in BharatBenz, since it is his first vehicle.
He gives an insight: “I have driven BharatBenz and other trucks too. I want to mention something that every driver experiences. While driving, sometimes when you brake, it feels like the brake recoils due to air pressure but it does not feel like it with this truck. Even a 20-feet vehicle feels like a small comfortable vehicle with BharatBenz. It gives me immense peace of mind.”
Suresh wishes that a driver must undergo proper training before driving a BharatBenz because then he will be able to drive properly and reap all the benefits that it has to offer.
He explains: “This truck will give you the maximum mileage only if you follow their recommendations perfectly – be it about changing gears at certain speeds or about maintenance. Currently, my truck is giving me an average of 10 kilometers even after 10-12 years of consistent usage. It is because I share the driving instructions they give me with my driver.”
Suresh has a suggestion to make: “As an old customer of BharatBenz, I would like them to introduce LCV, and HCV vehicles in the market. I have smaller vehicles from other manufacturers and I keep feeling that if only BharatBenz had smaller vehicles, I would buy them so that I can save money and run my business without any tension.”
His emotional attachment with his BharatBenz trucks is obvious. So is the goodwill that flows between him, his business and the truck manufacturer… and a quiet and beautiful Karamana river bears witness to his quite confessions!