Green manufacturing is indeed an important strategy for Brakes India Ltd., a TVS Group company, as for other corporate leaders. With performance on the environmental front determining marketing of products within the country as well as export, the company wants to do its best in this field, especially in the area of waste and energy management.
Brakes India is fully aware of its corporate responsibility to the society with its special focus on environment and sustainability. When the concept of GreenCo came into vogue, the company was almost the first to accept it. Since the conventional foundry processes are notorious for generating waste and pollution and are hazardous, it was a challenge to innovate ‘Green Processes’ to mitigate or eliminate the waste and air pollution and ensure a safe working atmosphere.
Explaining the company’s green initiatives to R. Natarajan of MOTORINDIA on the sidelines of the two-day GreenCo Summit 2014 organised by CII, Mr. V. Narasimhan, Executive Director, Brakes India Ltd., Foundry Division, and Co-Chairman, GreenCo Summit 2014, said: “Godrej Green Business Centre (GBC) is doing a great job. This GreenCo Forum was inaugurated three years ago. We do not want to restrict the movement to the manufacturing sector. On the other hand, we would like to bring in representation from each sector like services, hospitality, etc.”
In Brakes India, the management systems and occupational health systems are of international standard. With its environment-friendly strategy, the company has been able to gain global giants including Volvo, TRW, Toyota, Bosch, Hitachi, BorgWarner Turbo Systems, and Honeywell as its customers.
Mr. Narasimhan further observed: “At our foundry division, all our material waste is recycled. We have also developed a patent for stabilized mud block using waste sand and slag. We have also started supplying dust fines to the cement industry as a substitute for both raw material and fuel. Again, in green manufacturing, we started using green energy almost 20 years ago. Our processes are also chosen to be green, and we are well advancing further in providing green products.”
It may be recalled that Brakes India Foundry Division (BIF) was awarded the Gold Rating as a GreenCo outfit by CII in 2013