Cellcentric’s innovative fuel cell technology

Join us at IAA Transportation as we, at cellcentric, take the next step towards CO2-neutral heavy-duty mobility. For the first time, we’re unveiling our NextGen fuel cell system in a virtual 3D model.

As one of Europe’s leading fuel cell manufacturers, we’re showcasing our shift from prototype production to highly efficient mass production – marking a significant advancement toward CO2-neutral mobility in global road transport and other applications.

Sustainable drive system for CO2-neutral heavy-duty transportation

NextGen – successor of the BZA150 fuel cell system – offers performance characteristics comparable with those of diesel-powered heavy-duty long-haul trucks. Alongside excellent drivability and outstanding range, these include short refueling stops similar to those of conventionally powered heavy-duty long-haul trucks. Fuel cell trucks are ideally suited to decarbonize flexible and demanding long-haul road transportation. They can also be operated in areas where electric charging options are limited and demands on vehicle flexibility are high.

European premiere at the IAA Transportation! We present a virtual 3D model of our future NextGen fuel cell system for heavy-duty transport. The study provides a preview of the dimensions and design of the game-changing new generation of fuel cell systems.

Highly efficient large-scale production about to start

The virtual 3D model signals the start of our NextGen, the highly efficient and competitive single-packaging fuel cell system designed for long-haul heavy-duty transportation, which will offer market-leading TCO. Following the development phase and prototype production of fuel cell systems, we are now initiating the preliminary stage of highly efficient industrial production by taking first steps and preparing for high-scale production in the recently inaugurated factory in Esslingen. Also, the pilot production our Esslingen site marks the step towards preparing Europe’s largest fuel cell production in a new factory in Weilheim – the KLIMA|WERK – that is planned towards the end of the decade.