CGTA Charitable Trust’s annual meet well attended

MI-Jan-13-small-127_1The Chennai Goods Transport Association Charitable Trust was set up in 1996 to carry out philanthropic, welfare and charitable activities. During the last 16 years, the trust has helped the transport industry with various philanthropic programs for taking care of the health of its staff and their family, educational support to meritorious children of the staff and also students from the poor and backward community.

The annual scholarship awards distribution function was started in 2001 in a very small way by distributing Rs. 16,000 for six meritorious children from contributions made by its members. During the last 12 years this noble program has attracted industry-wide attention.

This year the Shriram Group came forward to associate itself with the Trust by contributing the entire scholarship amount of Rs. 5 lakhs to 145 children of employees and poor and meritorious students from different schools.

This year’s program held on October 20 commenced with educational counselling by Miss. B.K. Neelima, Rajayoga teacher from Brahma Kumaris, and Prof. C. Vijayakumar from IIT Madras, followed by the certificate distribution ceremony.

The certificates and the prize money for meritorious children were distributed by the Chief Guest on the occasion, Mr. Md. Shakeel Akthar, Inspector General of Police, Head Quarters, Tamil Nadu, who also delivered a highly inspiring speech for motivating the young achievers.

Mr. M. Achuthan Nair, Managing Trustee, welcomed the gathering and read out various plans envisaged for the welfare of the member company employees of the Association. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Trust, Mr. P.V. Subramani.

The meeting had the august presence of Mr. Puntambekar, Vice President of Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd., who was among those instrumental in starting the noble program, and also Mrs. Vidya Shanker of the Shriram Group.

Mr. B.N. Sharma, Treasurer, proposed a vote of thanks.