The Chennai Local Lorry Owners Association recently celebrated its Golden Jubilee in Chennai. Dr. K. Rosaiah, Tamil Nadu Governor, who was the chief guest on the occasion, released the souvenir and presented cheques and mementoes to the families of the deceased lorry owners and also honoured the best drivers.

The meet was attended, among others, Mr. B.H. Bhim Wadhwa, President, All India Motor Transport Congress, New Delhi, Mr. G.R. Shanmugappa, President, Karnataka State Lorry Owners Federation, Mr. P. Gopal Naidu, President, Andhra Pradesh Lorry Owners Federation, Mr. O.S. Durailingam, Honorary President, Mr. N. Subramani, President, Chennai Local Lorry Owner’s Association, and Mr. R. Sugumar, President, Tamilnadu Lorry Owners Federation.
In his address, Dr. Rosaiah said it was a pleasure to participate in the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Chennai Local Lorry Owner’s Association. The history of road transport in India started with the birth of human civilization. The first form of road transport dates back to the time when horses, oxen and men carried goods through pathways which later became tracks.
With the various advancements and expansion of trade and commerce, improvements were made by clearing trees and big stones on the pathways. This later led to the formation of proper roadways. The Indus Valley civilization reveals that in Harappa and Mohenjodaro there were streets as early as in 4000 BC and heavy four-wheeled wagons were used around 2500 BC in Mesopotamia.
He also said as trade and commerce flourished, road transport started playing a pivotal role in the nation’s economy. The Indian road network is said to be the second largest in the world with around 47 lakh km in length. The quantitative density of India’s road network is similar to that of the US. Now, expansion of National Highways and State Highways and the roads connecting major ports, large industrial establishments and State capitals have contributed a lot for expansion of trade and commerce.
Dr. Rosaiah also said that Tamil Nadu is a front-ranking State with good infrastructure, trade and commerce, conducive environment and is a destination for investors. It has an extensive road network covering 153 km per 100 sq. km. area and is higher than the country’s average road network density. The local transport plying within the cities has been playing a vital role in carrying and distribution of goods. “We see an increase in the number of industries and business establishments, and Tamil Nadu is today buzzing with economic activities. In this competitive world, it is imperative that the goods purchased or sold or manufactured should reach the concerned destination in a timely and safe manner.”
Lorry owners, drivers and loadmen have been doing a remarkable service in handling and transporting goods. The members of the Chennai Local Lorry Owners Association deserve special praise for their efforts to support the families of the deceased lorry owners and for the initiatives to recognize the best drivers. There is growing road vehicular traffic in Tamil Nadu, especially in Chennai. It is worrying to note that Tamil Nadu has the highest number of road accidents. The lorry owners have an onerous responsibility to educate their drivers on safety measures, he added.
Earlier, Mr. N. Subramani, President, Chennai Local Lorry Owners Association, gave the welcome address.
Mr. K. Arul, Treasurer of the Association, proposed a vote of thanks.