Cojali S. L. takes its solutions for connectivity, electric vehicles, predictive maintenance and remote diagnostics to Busworld, the most important event in Europe dedicated to road passenger transport, which this edition will pay special attention to zero-emission long-distance buses and is taking place from 7 to 12 October in Brussels, Belgium.

This fair is celebrated for the first time in four years and, as a novelty, coincides with the European ZEB Conference with more than 450 assistants of the zero-emission vehicle sector and 400 exhibitors and manufacturers from around the world, Cojali being one among them.
Cojali is presenting at the stand 614A located in hall 6 where the main functionalities of Jaltest Telematics is introduced with the predictive maintenance and the advanced remote diagnostics as highlights. These functionalities are also applicable to electric fleets and they maximise the availability of vehicles up to 42% by monitoring in real time the KPIs, such as the vehicle range, load cycles, duty cycles, battery lifetime, temperature or voltages, among others.

In that sense, the stand is intended to be a meeting point to discuss the challenges that the bus industry has to face in order to apply new maintenance approaches both for electric and internal combustion vehicles, as well as to discuss how to benefit from all the data available and delivered by the bus thanks to the AI. The aim is to identify potential problems before these occur, as well as to estimate the next maintenance window according to the remaining useful life of components.
Lastly, visitors are able to know the wide cooling system range that Cojali offers to the manufacturers of these types of vehicles, as well as the customised advanced diagnostics solutions for OEM service networks for commercial vehicles, which have set the benchmark thanks to its wide coverage, speed and efficiency and to an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.