EFD Induction Private Ltd. completed 25 years of operation in India last year. The Norwegian Group took a decision to set up a greenfield facility and move the existing operations into a new building which can improve efficiency and also provide capacity for further planned growth. This is in line with the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the Modi Government.

The operations were transferred in July to the new facility in KIADB Aerospace Park, close to the Bangalore airport. The new factory will cater to India and the ASEAN countries.
EFD Induction has established its brand in the automotive and auto component sectors in India as a quality induction heating systems provider and as partner for continuous research of induction heating applications. In addition, it has now received orders for supply of induction heating machines to Malaysia, Thailand and Brazil.
The main machine assembly hall is at the center of a building surrounded with smaller workshops housing machining centers, welding and brazing shops, painting, stores, etc., for enhanced efficiency of manufacturing by optimizing material flow. The building has been designed and built to have natural light and cross-ventilation, making it very energy efficient. The new factory is built to also offer necessary infrastructure for expansion of intra-group services and supplies.
EFD Induction has been delivering parts, assemblies to its factories in Europe and also started engineering services. It has established a common design system globally, with which its designs can be shared across continents and customized to regional requirements.
There are many new factories which are coming up in the neighborhood and the company sure that its connectivity will be much better in the coming days. The employees are happy to have a comfortable and efficient working centre and customers are delighted that it is located closer to the airport.