D2S road safety wave hits Chennai

The Delhi-based NGO ‘Drive Smart Drive Safe (Club D2S)’ continued its road safety drive with a walkathon conducted in Chennai D2S-pic-1recently. Following successful campaigns in Panipet, Chandigarh and Dwarka, a group of representatives from the D2S Club gathered at the premises of one of its supporting companies, Hella India Lighting, at DLF IT Park in Porur. Around 100 Club members took part in the campaign, including many engineers from Hella’s automotive design centre, with a view to spreading awareness on road safety. The walkathon which lasted for nearly an hour included shouts of ‘Drive Smart’, followed by ‘Drive Safe’, distribution of small D2S flags and discussions on road safety with pedestrians and commuters at the DLF complex.

The latest data about road accidents in India clearly shows that there is one death every four minutes and one accident every minute. Club D2S is dedicated towards spreading awareness among the public, particularly vehicle drivers, on safe driving, with due attention paid to critical aspects such as wearing seat belts, use of helmets and avoidance of use of mobile phones while driving.

D2S-pic-2A similar walkathon was done in mid-2013 in Chandigarh, while “Highway Halla Bol”, another mass awareness campaign, was done at Panipat with the support of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

Club D2S proposes to conduct similar walks at different locations across the country D2S-pic-3this year as part of its drive to get the number of deaths due to road accidents in the country reduced to the minimum. The group will continue promoting road safety and related campaigns to reduce fatalities on roads attributed to poor visibility, driver negligence and fatigue, violation of safety norms, drunken driving, overspeeding, lane cutting, etc.