Delhi Contract Bus Association celebrates Golden Jubilee


The Delhi Contract Bus Association (DCBA), established in 1962, celebrated its Golden Jubilee on December 12 last. Apart from 1,500 tourist operators, the occasion was also graced by eminent persons associated with transport & tourism trade. The messages and theme of celebration were “Road safety” and “Aman ki Asha” which were in line with the key focus areas of DCBA’s core agenda.

MI-Jan-13-small-124_1The function was inaugurated by Mr. Ramakant Goswami, Minister of Transport, GNCT of Delhi, in the presence of Mr. Mahabal Mishra, MP, Mr. G.G. Saxena, Managing Director and CEO, DTDC, Mr. Ouyang Weimin, Executive Director, China Urban Public Transport Assn., and Lion Rakesh Trehan, District Governor, in addition to the Pakistan delegation members led by M. Azhar Choudhary.

Mr. Ramakant Goswami and Mr. Mahabal Mishra, one of the keynote speakers at the function.

MI-Jan-13-small-125_3On the occasion, in addition to exhibition stalls and display of vehicles, DCBA released a colorful and informative “Directory cum Souvenir” containing useful information on tourism trade in India, apart from articles from experts in the field.

More than 5,000 copies of the souvenir will be distributed to all segments of transport trade, transport and tourism departments, other State associations, vehicle manufactures and educational and financial institutions.

MI-Jan-13-small-125_2Ashok Leyland was the Event Partner, with sponsors like Tata Motors, Force Motors, Eicher Motors Ltd., Trans ACNR Solutions and Pee Aar Designers. Without the co-operation and support of these business partners it would have been difficult for DCBA to hold an event of such magnitude.

The Mr. Harish Sabharwal, DCBA General Secretary, proposed a vote of thanks.