Deming Awardees RBL and RSB felicitated

The National Institution for Quality and Reliability (NIQR), started in 1987, is a professional body working on no-profit basis to spread theDeming-pic-1 quality culture among manufacturing and service industries in India. It is one of the founder-members of the Quality Council of India which is the apex body for monitoring quality promotion.

As a part of its quality promotion activities, NIQR has been felicitating organisations that have won the Deming Award. In 2013, the Chennai-based Rane Brake Lining won the Deming Grand Prize and RSB Transmissions of Pune won the Deming Prize.

Deming-pic-2A felicitation function for the two organisations was held in Chennai on December 11. Mr. L. Ganesh, Chairman of the Rane Group, and Mr. Shankaranarayanan, President of RSB Transmissions, who received the honours on behalf of their companies, shared their experiences with the audience.