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April 2012
Cummins Emission Solutions’
latest technologies displayed
Cummins Emission Solutions, a
subsidiary of Cummins Inc., show-
cased its latest EcoFit technology
at the Mid-America Trucking Show
(MATS) held in Louisville during
March 22-24. As a leading after-
treatment system provider, the busi-
ness serves both global on-highway
commercial vehicle and off-high-
way equipment markets.
Dedicated to helping its OEM cus-
tomers reliably meet emissions reg-
ulations with best-in-class perform-
ance, Cummins Emission Solutions
supports Cummins’ long-standing
commitment to work toward a
cleaner, healthier and safer environ-
ment while striving for emissions
technology leadership.
“With these new EcoFit offer-
ings, I am excited to present our
capabilities in the North American
on-highway commercial vehicle
market,” said Amy Adams, Gen-
eral Manager - Global On-Highway
Business, Cummins Emission Solu-
tions. “Our technology expertise and
enhanced product portfolio have al-
lowed us to develop and offer prod-
ucts such as the EcoFit Urea
Dosing System, helping our
OEM customers meet emis-
sions regulations with a lower
cost of ownership for the end-use
EcoFit aftertreatment
New EcoFit aftertreatment solu-
tions were unveiled at MATS for
the first time in the North American
market. These solutions are designed
to monitor, control and diagnose en-
gine and aftertreatment systems in
a way that reduces emissions while
optimizing performance of the entire
system. EcoFit products, available
to all commercial vehicle engine
manufacturers, will achieve a lower
overall cost of ownership and allow
customers to differentiate from the
competition’s through improved ve-
hicle integration.
Initially announced last
November, the EcoFit
UDS is designed to meet
upcoming regulations in
China, India and Russia.
Work is under way to apply
the system to upcoming emis-
sions regulations in other re-
gions, so that Cummins Emission
Solutions can continue to offer sys-
tem inte- gration opportunities
unparalleled by the existing Selec-
tive Catalytic Reduction (SCR) sys-
tem manufacturers.
The EcoFit UDS delivers im-
proved oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
conversion efficiency, which offers
the opportunity to tune engines for
improved fuel economy or to reduce
the size of a typical SCR system.
The air-assisted system is also de-
signed to minimize the risk of urea
deposits, increasing the durability
and reliability of the aftertreatment
system. Offered as both tank-mount
and chassis-mount, the system re-
MATS 2012: Technology Watch
The EcoFit Urea Dosing System
(UDS) is being developed by
Cummins Emission Solutions for
use in light, medium and heavy
duty commercial vehicles.