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April 2012
Indo-Australian Award
for Meritorious Service
to A.K. Tareen
Contribution to auto sector growth lauded
Mr. A.K. Tareen, South Australia’s
Senior Trade Commissioner to India,
has been chosen for the prestigious
‘Indo Australian Award for Meritori-
ous Service’.
This is the highest Award given
away by the Indo Australian Associa-
tion (IAA), the only bilateral cultural
association established 27 years ago to
promote closer people-to-people rela-
tionships between Australia and India.
The Association recognises and hon-
ours distinguished people in both coun-
tries who have made significant contri-
bution for community development.
The Award was presented to Mr.
Tareen by Mr. Peter Varghese, High
Commissioner, Australian High Com-
mission, New Delhi, at a special func-
tion organised by the Indo Australian
Association in Chennai.
Mr. K.V. Mathew, President of the
Indo Australian Association, in his
welcome address, said, “Mr. Tareen is
a unanimous choice for this great hon-
our as he, more than anybody else, has
been able to bring Australia and India
closer through his significant and sys-
tematic efforts”.
Mr. Tareen has been advising the
Australian Government and business-
es for nearly 17 years during which
he has held several senior positions in
both the Australian federal and state
governments. He is considered one
of Australia’s senior most experts on
India and has made a significant con-
tribution to bilateral trade and cultural
relationships since 1995.
Mr. Peter Varghese, in his special
address, said it is a measure of work
done by Mr. Tareen to receive the
Award and it is a fitting tribute for
Mr. Atul Chandra, Advisor, Reli-
ance Industries Ltd., in his felicitation
address, said Mr. Tareen, who has
been the unanimous choice for the
Award, is a noble-hearted, charming
and friendly personality.
Mr. C. Sarat Chandran, Director,
Indo-Australian Chamber of Com-
merce, while felicitating Mr. Tareen,
described him as a most visible person
in Austrade and his success lies in his
liking any job he handles. He is the
21st century product born in the 20th
century. During his tenure at Aus-
trade, he has contributed a lot towards
building Indo-Australian bilateral
trade, particularly in the automobile
Mr. A.K. Tareen, South Australia’s Sr. Trade Commisioner to India, (third
from left), receiving the award from Mr. Peter Varghese, Australian High
Commissioner. The others (from left) are Dr. Susan Marthandan, General
Secretary, Mr. K.V. Mathew, President, IAA, Mr. Atul Chandra, Advisor, Reli-
ance Industries, and Mr. C. Sarat Chandran, IACC Director
By R. Natarajan, Managing Editor
In his acceptance speech, Mr.
Tareen said he considered the
Award presented to him as Oscar
Award that came when he complet-
ed 25 years of service. Even though
Indo-Australian bilateral trade
was a meagre $0.5 million when
he joined Austrade in 1995, it has
grown multifold over the years.
Also, with increasing exports from
India to Australia, the country has
become the fifth largest trading
partner. The recent years have also
witnessed a 25 per cent year-on-
year growth in Australian exports
to India.