Page 130 - MOTORINDIA April 2012 Final

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April 2012
Senior management-level changes
Nissan Motor Ltd. has announced
changes in its senior management
team in India and in the region, which
will continue establishing the compa-
ny as an increasingly important brand
in one of its key strategic world mar-
Mr. Trevor Mann, currently Senior
Vice President, Manufacturing, Sup-
ply Chain Management, Production
Engineering and Purchasing for Eu-
rope in Nissan International S.A., has
been appointed Senior Vice Presi-
dent, Global Supply Chain Manage-
ment (SCM) and Operating Commit-
tee - Africa, Middle East and India
Mr. Toru Hasegawa, currently
President, Nissan Motor Asia Pacific
Co. Ltd. (NMAP) and Nissan Mo-
tor (Thailand) Co. Ltd. and Regional
Vice President, Asia & Oceania Op-
erations, has been appointed Corpo-
rate Vice President, Africa, Middle
East and India (AMI).
Mr. Hasegawa joined Nissan in
1981 and has held a number of sen-
ior posts within the company. These
include Managing Director of Nissan
Middle East where he oversaw an
80 per cent increase in regional sales
during 2005-2008. As CVP for the
AMI region, from April 1, he will be
in charge of all related consolidated
companies within the region and will
hold responsibility for overall per-
formance, including manufacturing,
sales and purchasing functions.
Nissan has also announced that Mr.
Takayuki Ishida, currently General
Manager, India Department at Nis-
san Motor Co. Ltd. in Japan, will re-
locate to Chennai to take up the role
of Managing Director, Nissan Motor
India Pvt. Ltd. (NMIPL). He will be
responsible for Nissan’s continued
expansion within the high-growth
Indian market, including product
introduction, sales and network de-
velopment, and will report to Mr.
Mr. Kiminobu Tokuyama, who is
currently Managing Director of Nis-
san Motor India Pvt. Ltd., is return-
ing to Japan to take up an executive
position with the Yorozu Corpora-
tion, which has been one of the lead-
ing automobile component suppliers
of Nissan and is fast expanding its
overseas operations.
Mr. Toshihiko Sano, currently
General Manager, Vehicle Produc-
tion Engineering with Nissan Motor
Co. Ltd. (NML) in Japan, has been
men at the helm
Mr. Takayuki Ishida
Mr. Toshihiko Sano
Mr. Hasegawa, who will
report to Mr. Trevor Mann
replaces Mr. Gilles Nor-
mand who is leaving to
take up a senior position
with Nissan’s alliance
partner, Renault.