Page 55 - MOTORINDIA April 2012 Final

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April 2012
efficiency. It also offers traction
on demand using the deeper ratio
mode while moving uphill.
The other advantages of the axle
are better gradeability and 20 per
cent faster turn-out time resulting
in more possible trips for operators.
The localised axle has been under
testing for two years and has run
1,50,000 km without any reported
problem. The Meritor aftermarket
network is growing strong with an
increasing dealer count throughout
India. All parts of the axle are made
locally and there is ready avail-
ability of spares across the country.
Meritor has a central warehouse in
Pune with a 45-day inventory to of-
fer pan-India service to its custom-
Meritor has also taken efforts to
obtain feedback in the form of an
official certificate from major fleet
operators including VRL Logistics,
Friendly Logistics and Ravindra
Transport who have highlighted
the benefits of using the two-speed
The company is working dedicat-
edly to provide elaborate training
for drivers which is an important
aspect considering the new tech-
nology involved in the use of the
two-speed axle. An interesting and
well-thought of concept is the driv-
er training video which has been
prepared in seven different regional
languages. The video presents a
tutorial about the technical aspects
of the two-speed axle and guides
the drivers with the procedure of
changing the gear-ratio while on
the run. A toll-free number would
soon be available to provide on-
spot assistance for customers.
The Meritor fleet meet in Na-
makkal was a massive success con-
sidering the response it received.
The entire two-speed axle project
team was enthusiastic about the
company’s first ever such event
in the country and worked with a
spring in their stride. It is encour-
aging to see such initiatives by a
leading global company which are
sure to improve awareness among
fleet owners, mechanics and driv-
ers about the technological growth
in the industry. Such dedicated
programmes would be instrumen-
tal in raising the benchmark in the
commercial vehicle fraternity in
the country and bridging the tech-
nological gap between the Indian
market and other developed mar-
kets globally.
A jubliant Meritor team after the successful Fleet Meet
component zone
The key impact factor in-
ferred from the operators’
feedback is the minimum
seven per cent reduction
in cost owing to the use of
the green axle.