Page 64 - MOTORINDIA April 2012 Final

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April 2012
customized innovations for
energy-efficient automobiles
A large number of different systems
for variable valve trains were on dis-
play at Schaeffler Advanced Drive.
“Growing demands in terms of en-
ergy efficiency are increasing the
focus on modern valve train com-
ponents”, says Prof. Dr. Peter Pleus,
Member of the Executive Board En-
gine Systems at Schaeffler.
Component zone
With its motto “efficient future mobility”, Schaeffler presented at Auto Expo
2012 a number of innovative products for optimizing conventional drive trains
with internal combustion engines. The highlight of the Schaeffler booth was the
concept model Schaeffler Advanced Drive that showcased a range of advanced so-
lutions for engines, transmissions and chassis.
India is expected to develop into
one of the world’s largest automo-
tive markets in the coming years,
ranking with the US, China, Europe
and Japan. In addition to India’s ris-
ing level of motorization, the grow-
ing importance of Indian companies
at the global level is also playing a
role in this development. Awareness
about environmentally-friendly and
efficient technologies is also on the
rise. This is all the more so with the
growing need to check fuel costs.
The price of gasoline is the highest
in India, considering the low pur-
chasing power of the people.
Schaeffler offered diversified
products to meet these requirements.