August 2012
The Road Force Touch
also features a new intui-
tive touchscreen interface
that simplifies operation
and shortens the learning
curve for new technicians.
Technicians can activate
any balancing function
from one screen by touch-
ing the appropriate button
or icon, saving time over
scrolling through a grid
of menu buttons. Live 3D
graphics and animations
display real-time wheel
conditions and illustrate
easy-to-understand instruc-
tions to resolve vibration
and pull problems.
New software tools in-
clude eCal auto-calibra-
tion, on-demand videos
and a powerful enhance-
ment to StraightTrak lat-
eral force measurement:
• Patent-pending eCal
electronically and auto-
matically calibrates the
balancer without any in-
put from the operator,
making the Road Force
Touch the only true “self-
calibrating” balancer.
• On-demand videos
provide convenient train-
ing on a variety of bal-
ancing and tyre changing
topics to enhance operator
• Patented StraightTrak, which
measures pull forces in tyres and
recommends wheel placement to
cancel vehicle drift, now measures
pulls on individual tyres.
The other improvements include
a stronger, wear-resistant balancer
shaft for long-lasting service, an Au-
to-Up Hood that saves time by au-
tomatically lifting the hood for the
operator, and a standard 10-piece
mounting collet set with storage to
optimize wheel centering.
The earlier version - GSP9200 computerized LCD wheel balancer