August 2012
Ashok Leyland, may be when they
launch the next new product, and
as far as the DOST is concerned, it
is now like a member of our fam-
Kun’s uncanny approach
Kun Capital is one of two LCV
dealerships of Ashok Leyland in
Chennai. The Kun brand has been
dealing with passenger cars for 14
years and has made its first entry
into the commercial vehicle seg-
ment with its DOST outlet.
Mr. U. Arunkumar, Director, Kun
Capital, talks on Kun’s venture into
the commercial vehicle segment
with Ashok Leyland.
Kun’s first DOST outlet came up
in Trichy in December 2011, fol-
lowed by the Chennai dealership
which was set up in March this
year. The dealership has an open
layout and is similar to a passenger
car dealership in most aspects. The
quality of infrastructure is also on
par with a passenger car dealership,
driven by the fact that LCV custom-
ers deserve the same service as pas-
MI: What according to you have been the USPs for the strong performance of the product?
The DOST has a very robust value proposition to the Indian LCV customers whose expectations are on the
rise. A new level of vehicle experience is on offer thanks to its carefully calibrated design and features, higher
payload, enhanced power, best-in-class fuel economy, versatility, comfort and safety.
MI: What are the RUVs on offer at present? How have they been received by customers?
We currently offer company-built ambulances, service-at-site vans, refrigerator containers and steel con-
tainers. These ready-to-use (RUV) solutions are ARAI and company certified to ensure quality and deliver better
value proposition to our customers.
steering, non A/C model and is glad
that the heat levels in the cabin are
quite low. The vehicle has remained
sturdy in the toughest of road condi-
tions even while being loaded to its
maximum capacity.
The Ashok Leyland DOST has
scripted an amazing success sto-
ry of a lady with ambitious plans
in life, and it is refreshing to see
how a small commercial vehicle
can change a family’s fortunes. In
Ruba’s own words, “we are keen
on buying another vehicle from
vehicle zone (cover story)