Page 82 - MOTORINDIA August 2012

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August 2012
slack adjuster, this kind of wear indicator becomes nec-
essary to warn the driver / operator to replace the lining
in time. Hence wear sensor becomes an in-built safety
devise in the brake sub system in a vehicle.
Similarly, clutch booster was developed as an import
substitution and has been accepted well in the market.
We have developed 70 dia and 90 dia variants, and two
more variants, viz., 76 and 102 dia, are in advanced
stage of development. Here again I would like to men-
tion that these products were indigenously developed,
meeting all customer requirements / validation.
MI: What is the likely contribution of your new
products towards your overall sales five years down
the line?
With regard to auto slack adjusters, our current
share is 65% plus in the CV industry, and we are a single
vendor to most of the OEMs and the preferred source
with regard to Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland. Consid-
ering our long range plan with products under develop-
ment, five years down the line, the contribution from
slack adjusters will be in the region of 40% of our total
business and the rest from other products.
As a part of backward integration, we are setting up
our own green field SG Iron foundry near Chennai. This
will cater to our in-house requirement of castings and
the spare capacity will be utilized to cater to the require-
ments of other customers. Our foundry will be an inde-
pendent profit centre.
MI: You had mentioned that MEI has three inde-
pendent manufacturing facilities. Can you explain
more in detail about the infrastructures available in
all these units?
We have three units in Chennai, located at Am-
battur, Maraimalai Nagar and Mahindra World City.
The Mahindra World City unit started in 2007 is
coming under the special economy zone and it is fully
dedicated for our export business which at present con-
stitutes 30% of our top line. Ambattur is our mother
plant which was started four decades ago, and the
Maraimalai Nagar unit which was commissioned in
1992 is now undergoing modernization, with auto-
mated assembly lines. All our manufacturing units
have independent machining centers and metallurgical
MI: Nowadays the expectation of OEMs is af-
termarket parts and service support. How are you
placed to tackle this?
Yes. We consider aftermarket parts sale and
service support is an integral part of our business proc-
ess, and we are well equipped to tackle this. In our mar-
keting team we have professionals with rich experience
at senior levels supported by a number of field engineers
posted at all strategic locations throughout the country.
We have 22 field engineers to take care of the require-
ments of our end customers in the field, and for spare
parts support we have 70 distribution outlets, again
spread all along the length and breadth of the country.
We are also in the process of opening service outlets
in select locations and have been continuously impart-
ing training to all our end users at all levels. We are also
paying individual attention to State transport corpora-
MI: As a fast growing and emerging player in the
auto component industry, how do you foresee the fu-
ture of the Indian commercial vehicle industry?
Though there is a negative sentiment prevailing
in the industry today, because of the current slowdown,
one thing all of us have to accept is that our fundamen-
tals are very strong. I am hoping that the Government
will take corrective steps to revive the auto sector. I can
only say the current situation appears to be a structural
one and not cyclical. I am hoping for a recovery by early
Brake lining wear sensor with display unit
component zone