January 2012
Fiem Industries chief honoured with
Special Awards
Mr. J.K. Jain, Chairman & Man-
aging Director, Fiem Industries Ltd.,
has been conferred the prestigious
Doctor of Honours (Business Man-
agement) by the Open Internation-
al University for Complementary
Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The degree was conferred by the
Senate and Board of Directors of the
University on his fulfilling the quali-
fying requirements at a special func-
tion held recently.
Mr. Jain has also been presented
the Outstanding Entrepreneurship
Award by Enterprise Asia, a leading
NGO, for his outstanding and exem-
plary achievements in entrepreneur-
Mr. Jain began his career as an en-
trepreneur by working on his family
business when he saw the potential
growth in the Indian automotive
industry. With 35 years of experi-
ence, he is one of the pioneers of the
automotive components industry in
A strong believer that determina-
tion and hard work are the key to
success, Mr. Jain was inspired to set
up a manufacturing unit for produc-
ing automotive components. Start-
ing off with only one unit, he slowly
started expanding operations, and
today he is a leading entrepreneur
with eight manufacturing units
across different States in India.
Mr. Jain visualizes that India is
going to be a manufacturing and
R&D hub in Asia for the automobile
industry and therefore has plans for
substantial expansion and product
diversification to meet the country’s
future demand.
Mr. Jain with the Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award
Mr. J.K. Jain, Chairman & Managing Director, Fiem Industries Ltd., being con-
ferred the prestigious Doctor of Honours (Business Management) by the Senate
and Board of Directors of the Open International University for Complementary
With a current staff strength
of 6,000, Fiem Industries also
has an R&D Centre in Japan and
boasts an annual turnover of
more than Rs. 4,170 million.