Page 44 - MOTORINDIA July 2012

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July 2012
botic systems in future.
Q: What is the annual produc-
tion capacity created at the plant
for various products segments –
trailers, tippers, etc.?
A: Currently, Tranztar has the
capacity to manufacture 24,000 tip-
pers and 4,000 trailers and other
applications. We are planning to in-
crease our capacity for transit mix-
ers, bulkers and tankers during the
next year. Thanks to our flexible and
lean manufacturing system, we can
adjust production according to mar-
ket requirements.
Q: How many Tranztar trailers
and tippers are on road till date?
Which are the applica-
tions in which Tranztar
has its strong presence?
A: At the moment
there are close to 18,000
Tranztar tippers and
3,000 Tranztar trailers
on the road. Primarily,
we are very strong in
these two segments and
have established our-
selves as leaders in these
segments. We are now
working towards increas-
ing our presence in other new appli-
cations such as mixers and bulkers.
Q: As an AMW group company,
what percentage of AMW’s appli-
cation requirement is catered by
A: In fact, 100% of AMW’s cur-
rent requirements of tippers and
trailers are supplied by Tranztar and
they are very happy with our prod-
ucts and services.
Q: What are the significant
advantages offered by Tranztar
when compared to other applica-
tion builders? How strong is your
design team?
A: Our products are manufactured
by highly trained manpower, using
advanced components to the high-
est quality standards. They are made
using advanced manufacturing prac-
tices on the latest machinery, jigs
and fixtures. Our fully integrated
manufacturing approach ensures
that we maintain the highest quality
throughout the entire process.
In fact we meet ISO-TS
16949:2009 standards and are able
to offer a high degree of customiza-
tion to our customers. This is thanks
to our strong and highly experienced
design team which is focused on ap-
plications development.
Tranztar offers end-to-end design
to delivery capability, including
testing and validation services. Our
products are sold through a pan-
India service and sales network.
However our biggest advantage is
that we offer the lowest total cost of
ownership and therefore the highest
value to our customers.
To sum up, I would say that our
advantages include the product it-
self, our sales & service network,
high quality standards and advanced
manufacturing practices.
Q: Apart from tippers and trail-
Running Gear for Tanker Applications
Semi Low Bed Trailer
cover story