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May 2012
Automatica 2012
will give further
boost to robotics segment
The success of the global
robotics industry continued in
2011, and investments in robot
automation again surged in all
This expert view was ex-
pressed by Dr. Shinsuke
Sakakibara, IFR President,
based on the results of the IFR
Quarterly Statistics. There was
an increase of about 30 per cent
in the sales of industrial robots
in 2011 as compared to 2010.
Thanks to the demand from
emerging countries, including
China, sales of factory auto-
mation apparatus are increas-
ing. However, the growth in
sales of machine tools seems
to be slowing down under the
influence of Europe’s currency
crisis and/or a Chinese tight-
money policy. But this does
not apply to robots, he added.
The IFR Vice President, Arturo Baroncelli, COMAU,
Italy, observed: “We were sure about a good year in
2011, but the results have been far better than the expec-
tations. In a still unclear worldwide economic scenario,
one thing is certain: the use of robots always guarantees
fast return of investments and dramatic improvements
in terms of quality. And this is true both in car and gen-
eral industry, both in emerging countries and nations
having a long industrial tradition.”
The robotics industry is looking forward to Automat-
ica 2012 in May in Munich, which will present automa-
tion solutions and innovations in all application areas.
It is set to give the robotics and automation industry an
additional boost. All robot suppliers confirmed this suc-
cessful development.
Per Vegard Nerseth, Head
of ABB Robotics, Switzer-
land, said: “The recovery in
the global industrial robot
market that began in 2010
continued strongly through
2011 and resulted in record-
breaking numbers. Growth in
the automotive sector contin-
ued unabated and was strong-
ly supported by an increased
uptake in growth segments
such as electronics, solar and
food and beverage. We fully
expect this growth to con-
tinue through 2012 with the
increased demand throughout
the Asia region continuing to
be an important factor. Con-
sequently, we also expect the
strong trend towards a signifi-
cant shift in manufacturing
footprint to Asia to be main-
tained. I firmly believe that the value proposition of ro-
botic solutions for manufacturers of all sizes has never
been better, and look forward to seeing this reflected in
the continued growth of the industry.”
Dr. Michael Wenzel, Managing Director, Reis Group
Holding, Germany, has this to say: “These figures clear-
ly show the ongoing demand for industrial automation
and robotics as a key component therein. We expect this
trend to continue, maybe with a reduced growth rate,
which will be a result of the global economic growth
rates. However, the positive development in all applica-
tion fields, in automotive and general industry and in
all regions, shows that the robotics industry has a broad
market base and a high potential for further growth.”
Dr. Shinsuke Sakakibara, IFR President