Page 12 - MOTORINDIA May 2012

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May 2012
Volvo Buses
targets 25per cent
annual growth by 2015
The Indian bus industry has been
revolutionized with the entry of glo-
bal giant Volvo a decade ago. The
company, synonymous with luxury
travel in the country, has emerged
a trend-setter in advanced technol-
ogy, world-class safety and com-
fort, thus providing maximum value
for money. Volvo’s Indian success
story revolves around the exper-
tise and leadership of Mr. Akash
Passey, who was recently elevated
from the level of Managing Direc-
tor to Senior Vice President - Busi-
ness Region International, and
Chairman of the Board of Volvo
Buses in India.
MOTORINDIA has immense pleasure to
feature an exclusive interview held with Mr.
Passey after he took charge of his new as-
signment in Sweden.
Excerpts from the interview:
What is your main
goal in the fast-growing Asian bus market
in general, and India in particular?
Akash Passey (AP):
Volvo Buses has a
clear and ongoing Asia strategy for the com-
ing years. Asia remains a driver of growth,
in which China and India have a major role.
Already we expect Asia to account for 50 per
cent of the total Volvo Bus transactions in
the coming five years. Volvo Bus is actually
the No.1 global manufacturer in the region in
heavy buses, and we plan to remain ahead in
cover story
Asia to account for half of overall company business
Mr. Akash Passey, Senior Vice President - Business Region International,
and Chairman of the Board of Volvo Buses in India
By R. Natarajan, Managing Editor & Publisher