Page 40 - MOTORINDIA May 2012

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May 2012
Cummins Group’s
50-year saga of success
in India
Cummins in India, a leading manufacturer of engines,
generators and related components and technologies,
completed 50 years (1962-2012) of its operations in In-
dia in April. Cummins’ presence in India stems from a
joint venture incorporated in 1962. Ground was broken
for a factory in Pune the same year and the plant be-
gan manufacturing engines at the beginning of 1964. In
1997, Cummins Inc. increased its stake to 51 per cent
with the rest being traded on the Bombay Stock Ex-
change. With this, the joint venture became a consoli-
dated subsidiary of Cummins Inc. and continues till date
as Cummins India Ltd. By 2004, Cummins had formed
multiple legal entities in India, including joint ventures.
Today, Cummins has grown
to incorporate eight legal en-
tities (including affiliated)
which collectively operate 20
manufacturing facilities and
employ close to 14,000 indi-
viduals across as many as 200
locations in the country. These
eight entities are Cummins In-
dia Ltd., Cummins Generator
Technologies India Ltd., Cum-
mins Technologies India Ltd.,
Cummins Research & Tech-
nology India Ltd., Fleetguard
Filters Pvt. Ltd., Tata Cummins
Ltd., Valvoline Cummins Ltd.,
and KPIT Cummins Infosys-
tems Ltd. Cummins in India
reported combined sales of ap-
proximately Rs. 10,500 crores
in 2011.
The Industrial Engine Business caters to the indus-
trial sector with its broad spectrum of diesel engines
ranging from 18 hp to 3500 hp. The range is designed
to power varied market segments such as Construc-
tion, Mining, Compressor, Marine, Rail, Agriculture,
Pumps, Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Defence.
Focus on components
Mr. Anant J. Talaulicar, Managing Director, Cummins Group in India
Cummins India Ltd. has grown to become the country’s
leading manufacturer of diesel and natural gas engines.
Comprising four business units – Industrial Engine,
Power Generation, Distribution, and Automotive – Cum-
mins India is also the largest entity of the Cummins
Group in India.