Page 77 - MOTORINDIA May 2012

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May 2012
better. Initially some of the exist-
ing products currently being sup-
plied from other RSB locations to
TML, Lucknow, will be migrated
to this plant and subsequently it
will take up manufacture of new
products. In today’s competitive
environment, quality and cost ef-
ficiency are the most important pa-
rameters to combat both domestic
and global competition.
Mr. Behera explained that
RSB’s core philosophy is to sat-
isfy the ultimate end customer.
Hence it proactively collaborates
and partners with all its custom-
ers on resolution of quality issues
and performance enhancement, be
it related to design, material, pro-
duction, manufacturing process
or systems. This collaborative ap-
proach helps in enhancing the im-
age of the company customers in
the emerging markets.
The Lucknow plant, besides sup-
porting TML, is also RSB’s small
bring about inclu-
sive growth by pro-
liferating manufac-
turing in locations
starved of industry
and to facilitate lo-
cal employment by
providing and sup-
porting educational
initiatives in the
ne ighbourghood ,
he added.
Mr. Alok Saxena
complimented RSB
for setting up the
plant in Lucknow
and appreciated the
sight in creating
capacity ahead of
time to support the
growth of TML.
In his address,
Mr. SK Behera,
Vice Chairman &
MD of the com-
RSB’s deep en-
TML by highlighting that the
company has manufacturing facili-
ties in all locations – Jamshedpur,
Pune, Dharwad, Pantnagar and
Focus on components
“The automotive landscape
in India is just unfolding;
the future is vast and the
opportunities are many,
notwithstanding the occa-
sional short-term dips.”
– Mr. Behera
Mr. RK Behera, Chairman, (right), and Mr. SK Behera, Vice Chairman & MD, RSB Group