Page 81 - MOTORINDIA May 2012

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May 2012
power consumption as the power
cost has almost doubled in the last
three years.
He was happy to share on the oc-
casion that there has been a signifi-
cant increase in the level of partici-
pation and quality of presentation
in both the SGA and Suggestions
Scheme, as well reflected in Del-
phi-TVS winning the CII Kaizen
Award, ACMA Kaizen Award and
the Poka-Yoke Outstanding Award.
Mr. Chopra concluded saying: “If
we have to succeed in this competi-
tive environment, we need to rededi-
cate ourselves and make changes as
a way of life. We also need to con-
stantly benchmark ourselves with
the world’s best practices.”
In his address, Mr. R.C. Banka,
President of TAFE, the fastest
growing Indian tractor manufactur-
ing company of the Amalgamations
Group, who was the chief guest on
the occasion, paid rich tributes to T.
V. Sundaram Iyengar who started
his business career at the age of 35
by forming a bus company in Tamil
Nadu in 1922. Since then, he never
looked back, and kept expanding
business in the automobile field.
The TVS Group today is one of the
largest manufacturers of quality au-
tomobile components.
Mr. Banka particularly referred to
the rapid growth of the four-wheeler
segment since 2005-06 in the pres-
ence of MNCs both in car and com-
mercial vehicles. It is bound to grow
further in the next 5-10 years. The
two-wheeler segment is also ex-
pected to grow from the present 17
million to 34 million units by 2020
and cars and LCVs from 3 million to
10 million.
He also expressed happiness over
his long association with the TVS
Group companies like Lucas-TVS,
Sundaram Clayton, Wheels India,
Axles India, Brakes India and Sun-
dram Fasteners.
Mr. T.K. Balaji, Managing Di-
rector, Delphi-TVS, in his address,
complimented the excellent role of
the company workers in its acceler-
ated growth over the years.
Mr. T.K. Balaji, Managing Director, Delphi-TVS, having a word with the chief guest, Mr. R.C. Banka, Presi-
dent, TAFE, (second and third from left respectively) at the Delphi-TVS Founder’s Day celebration. The others
are Mr. J.S. Chopra, (extreme right), and Mr. S. Venkataraman, Vice President - HR, Delphi-TVS
Focus on components
While industry majors like Tata Mo-
tors, Ashok Leyland, Mahindra &
Mahindra, TAFE and Escorts are busy
expanding their operations, many
multinational automobile manufac-
turers have set up plants in India and
more are planning to do so. As a part
of globalisation, Indian companies
too are expanding their businesses
through acquisitions and mergers,
both domestic and overseas.