Page 110 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
Death trap
Yet we have the ubiquitous dealer
who makes or distributes spurious
or duplicate goods. An expert who
creates death traps! His products
spell danger, conducts his clients
to the chamber of horror. There are
fine drivers and finer automobiles,
yet somewhere lurks the fear of
a hidden part or component that
could bring disaster without a sec-
ond’s notice. For example, critical
components like brake parts which
contribute directly to road safety
or friction surfaces much maligned
and abused, which actually stop
the vehicle, have the dice loaded
against them. Any deficiency can
mushroom to zero braking when
needed most. Most drivers are una-
ware of the potential danger. Lives
By B.S. Khurana, Road Safety Practitioner: METASAFE - Driving Safety Sense
he World Health Organization and the United Nations
recognize road deaths as a “killer disease” and a major
health issue of modern times. Seventeen deaths an hour
on Indian roads! This is not acceptable in any civilized society.
Every life we lose counts – bread-winners, pedestrians, cyclists,
school children, at greater risk than ever before. All stake-hold-
ers have a moral responsibility to make roads safer. Man, ma-
chine, road, industry, State and society – a lethal combination
of these elements, not disregarding inferior or counterfeit parts.
The homicidal capacity increases with the power and tonnage
of the vehicles. The line between “death and life” is becoming
thinner by the hour.
“Remember, upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all” – Alexander the Great.
Mr. B.S. Khurana