Page 139 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
ther that to stimulate investments,
CII is advocating further reduction
in interest rates by 100 bps by De-
cember 2012 and easing banks’ re-
serve ratio, accompanied by meas-
ures to unclog the supply side to
control inflation.
The next generation of economic
reforms is at the State level. Some of
the key reforms that CII would ad-
vocate relate to agriculture, power,
land acquisition and procedural &
clearance issues faced in setting up
new businesses. CII proposes to set
up a Central task force to monitor
State-level reforms.
On the energy front, while CII
will continue to advocate coal and
hydrocarbon reforms to alleviate
fuel shortages which have proved a
key bottleneck for the power sector,
distribution reforms in this space are
another critical area. There is also
a need to explore implementation
of renewable energy-based power
projects to reduce power deficit in
the country.
Manufacturing can and should
become the engine of growth for
the Indian economy. For this, CII
is engaging with the Government to
identify and promote four-five large
manufacturing zones in resource-en-
dowed States with a focus on green
In the agriculture sector, States
must facilitate reforms such as
strengthening legislation around
contract farming; de-notification
of vegetables and other perishables
from the APMC list and long-term
land leasing of agricultural land for
cultivation with farmers still retain-
ing their ownership rights.
According to Mr. Godrej, India’s
infrastructure deficit is widely ac-
knowledged as a critical impedi-
ment to achieving higher growth.
Therefore, to step up the pace of
infrastructure development, CII has
launched a task force to monitor im-
plementation of projects of national
AL Supplier Award for Orbit Bearings
Orbit Bearings received an Award for its “Out-
standing Support” from Ashok Leyland at the Sup-
plier Summit 2012. This Award further strengthens
the relationship between the two companies.
Orbit engineers work with its OEM customers to
define application problems and provide solutions
that help end-users get the most out of their products.
Orbit Technology Center invests in design develop-
ment, testing facilities and friction management.
This has helped in having the shortest lead time for
developing customized bearings.
In order to meet the demand of its existing OEM
customers, Orbit is doubling its production capac-
ity to 10 million taper and cylindrical roller bearings
annually. It is also setting up a state-of-the-art plant
with all fully automatic manufacturing lines import-
ed from Europe.
Orbit’s commitment to quality has made it a pre-
ferred supplier to different national and international
companies. It exports its bearings to North America,
Europe and Latin America.
Mr. Vinesh Patel, Managing Director, Orbit Bearings, (right),
receiving the Award from Mr. Vinod K. Dasari, Managing Di-
rector, and Mr. Anuj Kathuria, Executive Director, Sourcing &
Supply Chain, Ashok Leyland