Page 78 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
(previous year: Rs. 29.35
crores) increased by Rs.
44.38 crores.
The company had de-
livered the first proto-
type of SS fuel bowser
specially developed and
manufactured for the In-
dian Army. More proto-
types are planned in the
current financial year.
During the last fiscal,
the company had suc-
cessfully achieved com-
mercial production of a
new tipper variant ‘10
cubic meter standard box tipper on
LPK 1618 chassis’.
The acquisition of Hewitt Robins
International Ltd. (HRIL) in 2010
represented a significant progres-
sion in the direction of rapid growth
and globalization by TRF. HRIL has
continued to perform well in diffi-
cult European markets, improving
its turnover and profitability. How-
ever, the European market continues
to depend substantially on replace-
ment orders only. HRIL was suc-
cessful in transferring technology to
TRF India and introduced new prod-
ucts in the Indian market.
The road ahead
In order to widen its product mix,
TRF has successfully entered into
tie-ups and continues to explore
further opportunities for collabora-
tions to upgrade its technology. The
Operations and Maintenance Serv-
ice business has been identified as a
potential for growth, and a team has
been formed to pursue this business.
During the last fiscal the company
had also invested in enhancing its
fabrication capabilities to cater to
the increasing demand. The subsidi-
aries in the auto application business
have also expanded their operations
through setting up of manufacturing
facilities in India and expanding the
existing capacities. The threat of ris-
ing costs of inputs without commen-
surate increase in net realization is
being addressed by focused cost re-
duction measures. While TRF does
not perceive any major threats, in-
tense competition and Chinese sup-
plies in the Indian market calls for
a different strategy to be adopted in
competitive bidding.
The start of 2012-13 had gave some
signs of improvement with a some-
what higher level of enquiries for the
company. However, any significant
change may be towards the year end
only, and therefore the focus of Team
TRF will be on an aggressive busi-
ness development drive targeting
higher new order bookings coupled
with timely, efficient and cost-effec-
tive execution of orders and projects
on hand.