Page 90 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
IAA Commercial Vehicle Fair
to witness Gala Awards presentation
One highlight of the first Press
Day will be the “Evening of the
commercial vehicle press,” to which
the German Association of the Au-
tomotive Industry (VDA), the IAA
organiser, traditionally invites rep-
resentatives of the German and for-
eign media, board members of the
commercial vehicle manufacturers
and suppliers, association presi-
dents, managing directors and com-
munication and press chiefs from
the exhibiting companies.
The judges are well known trade
journalists and editors-in-chief from
all over Europe, who give the prod-
ucts a thorough testing. The evening
will be hosted by Christina Surer,
herself a racing driver.
Beyond all doubt the engines of
the future – but also of the present
– include electrical drives. This key
technology is an essential milestone
on the way towards sustainable and
modern mobility for tomorrow, as it
promises intelligent solutions for ef-
ficient and environmentally-friendly
transport of passengers and goods.
The latest concepts and develop-
ments of hybrid and electrical drives
in the commercial vehicle sector
will be on show at IAA.
The performance show on the
stands will be complemented by the
possibility of test drives with trucks,
vans and buses during which visi-
tors can experience the electrically
powered vehicles hands on for the
first time. This thematic focal area
at IAA will be rounded off by the
IAA preview
Dr. Peter Ramsauer, Federal Minister of Transport
he 64th IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hannover will be officially opened
on September 20, by the Federal Minister of Transport, Dr. Peter Ram-
sauer (CSU). “Commercial vehicles: driving the future” is the motto of
this year’s event being held in Hanover from September 20 to 27. More than
1,800 exhibitors will present technological highlights in the commercial vehi-
cle, transport, trailer and supply industry at the world’s most important trade
fair for transport, mobility and logistics.
The ‘Oscars’ of the commercial vehi-
cle industry will be presented for the
fifth time: the awards ‘Truck of the
Year,’ ‘Bus of the Year’ and ‘Van of
the Year.’