Page 92 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
high-tech materials
for lightweight vehicle design
Carbon- and glass-fibre-reinforced
composites are smoothing the way
for tomorrow’s green, energy-effi-
cient mobility. As highly sturdy, re-
sistant, yet very light materials, they
offer a wide range of potential uses
in construction, thus accelerating the
global trend towards lightweight de-
signs for commercial vehicles.
Whether they are featured as
outer and inner face sheets in side
walls and roofing or as extremely
resilient floor covering, LAMILUX
composites are used across the sur-
faces of almost all essential body
sections which give
vehicles their stabil-
ity. Europe’s lead-
of fibre-reinforced
composite sheeting,
LAMILUX, will be
providing a com-
prehensive, detailed
insight into the vari-
ety of materials and
applications that it
offers at IAA Com-
mercial Vehicles in
ILUX products and
ideas will be show-
cased in a life-size,
body which visi-
tors can enter on the
company exhibition
As a result of their light weight
combined with optimum stability
and resistance to UV light, corrosion
and weathering, fibre-reinforced
composites far outperform conven-
tional materials used in commercial
vehicles, such as aluminium and
sheet steel. These high-tech materi-
als can be used as inner and outer
sandwich face sheets on side walls.
They are also ideal in their numer-
ous variants for use in roofs and
The CFC optimally meets the re-
quirements of lightweight design
as a material featuring optimum
strength and resistance combined
with a very low mass per unit area.
The potential of this material lies
mainly in the construction of walls
and roofs on lightweight truck bod-
ies and trailers. CFC is up to 50 per
IAA preview (technology)
With its High Strength X-treme Car-
bon, LAMILUX is the first manufac-
turer worldwide to produce carbon
fibre-reinforced composites (CFCs)
with a width of up to 3.20 metres in
a continuous flat sheet manufactur-
ing process.