Presents three new seat-belt technologies
Fasching Salzburg GmbH, the safety belt specialist for coaches, buses and LCVs worldwide, introduced three new products at Busworld. The first new offering is called the ‘All Age’ belt with a side exit and has a different mounting angle from the regular belts. The second product, an innovative development for the coach market, is called the ‘ALR/ELR’ belt that comes with both Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) and Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) functions in the same belt. The product development is based on the specific customer requirements, reflecting Fasching’s capabilities to provide tailor-made solutions to overcome challenges.

Said Mr. Harald Pessl, Sales Director – Authorised Office & Member of the Managing Board, Fasching Salzburg GmbH: “The ALR/ELR belt was developed based on the requirement of one of our customers in the US market. While the ALR function is active, the belt locks automatically, and after a particular level, the ELR function gets activated, locking the belt when there is acceleration or displacement in angle. The ELR is the more advanced option as it offers better comfort for passengers, enabling them to move freely even when the seat belt is fastened. The difference belt’s ALR function comes into play in special cases such as keeping children secure in child seats, wherein the ELR function is not preferred.”
Fasching’s third new product is a newly-developed height adjuster which can be integrated in the seat. The new system is an adaptive/integrated one and offers a height adjustment range of around 150 mm as against 70 to 100 mm in the conventional systems for a package space of 200 mm. The new adjuster is very smooth while sliding and pushing during release with additional spring integrated in it, for supporting the sliding movement, thereby reducing its size significantly. The product is available in three to five different length options. Height adjusters, though not mandatory in the European bus and coach market, are commonly used on the side for driver seats owing to the additional comfort they provide. However, there is growing request for this feature in passenger seats and also in coaches for better passenger comfort, especially during long distance travel.
Fasching also displayed its specially-developed retractor which enables easier mounting and occupies very less space compared to the conventional type. “With growing interest in integrating the retractor into the seat back rest, we have made a development on our existing system where, using a special sensor, the retractor can be positioned in a particular way that the belt’s webbing will go directly into the side exit for a three point belt. The systems available in the market are quite cumbersome to use mainly because the webbing travels a long path before being inserted into the side exit. With this side exit of the web, an automatic height adjustment is given by the use of the belt. No other player has such a system in the market today, so ours is a first-of-its-kind product which has been patent protected”, added Mr. Pessl.