It has been observed that margins on routine services like oil change, etc. are dropping because of changing industry trends. Customers are becoming more calculative. Also, in the post-warranty period they tend to look for outside sources. Lots of third-party options for services, especially wheel services, and decreasing margins make the workshop business more challenging. However, Madhus Garage Equipment (MGE) has an interesting recommendation for these workshop dealerships. They propose that the workshops be equipped with the latest wheel alignment equipment, wheel balancers and tyre changers so as to retain their customers and also attract new business. Madhus recommends treating the wheel service business as a separate profit centre within the service business of the dealership. Additionally, Madhus Garage Equipment provides on-the-job training and classroom training about how to sell services and boost their alignment revenue. Undoubtedly, MGE is the best company in India that understands wheel alignment and wheel services. It can help the dealer and the team in marketing the high-end alignment services available with the dealership and help drive people to get alignment done at the dealership instead of going outside to a tyre shop.

Madhus also spots opportunities in the body shop department. Globally, wheel service and bodyshop businesses are the mainstay of automobile dealerships. If the dealerships upgrade their body shop with the latest technology to speed up the repair process, the benefits they would spin from such a transition would be immense.

The Madhus Way
MGE brings a wealth of real-world experience and can help increase the profits of the workshop and body shop. It has no geographical limitation and can help place high-tech equipment which can transform the dealerships. The training, both classroom theory and practical, transforms the mindset of the dealers to see service as a core business. By increasing customer loyalty, the dealership will increase other service business and improve the overall business of the dealership. Hunter’s wheel aligners can also be used to generate a wheel alignment reading in less than 2 minutes. This quick check facility allows dealerships to check vehicles and inform the consumer of a need for wheel alignment. This can help boost the number of wheel alignments. Further, alignment can get bundled with wheel balancing.
Today, alignment and balancing are the most profitable service – per hour revenue and profit exceeds every other service in the workshop. To cite an example, Seva Automotive, Amravati, authorised dealer for Maruti Suzuki, has been using MGE’s equipment for the past 15 years. Vikram Akolkar, General Manager, Seva Automotive, shares: “The machinery provide by Madhus Garage Equipment is very effective. Among them are Hunter alignment and balancing machines.”

“Since it doesn’t leave any scope for re-working, the machines help us save a lot of time. After alignment there are no complains related to steering throw, leading to satisfied customers. MGE’s team is icing on the cake as they stay in regular touch to help us with any query,” he adds. Another satisfied customer is Trident Automobiles (P) Ltd. Deputy General Manager Srinivas B N who has been dealing with commercial and passenger vehicles for the past 21 years is highly impressed with the equipment and service provided by MGE. Till date they have bought products of Telwin, Hunter and Ravaglioli.

Says Srinivas: “We have almost 22 wheel balancers and aligners and 200 lifts and 12 machines of Telwin. Till date we are still using the machines we bought in 2005. It goes to show how reliable and durable Hunter products are. With reference to service, we do not have any issues with any products. Madhus Garage Equipment provides reliable and cost-effective products yielding high customer satisfaction.”
According to the Madhus management, workshops can gain from using equipment for every minute that it is in use as opposed to using it for assembly work that might not generate a charge. The Hunter Hawk Eye Elite 3D wheel alignment system, one of the most sophisticated wheel alignment systems available in India ensures that the workshop can perform more alignment services and increases the return on investment. Madhus Garage Equipment passionately believes in replacing outdated, low-quality equipment in tyre shops, vehicle workshops and garages with world class equipment to help the workshops churn better profits.