IAA symposium to focus on benefits of modern telematics systems

Dr. Ulrich Eichhorn, VDA Managing Director

Telematics is a crucial instrument for transport companies when it comes to increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Telematics systems not only allow positioning, but also serve communication between the driver and the dispatch office and carry out automatic route planning and truck navigation. They evaluate data about the driver and the vehicle, plan maintenance and provide logistical support for the transport job.

All this helps reduce the money spent on fuel, personnel and the vehicle itself, and save CO2. However, there are still many transport companies that so far have not decided to invest in this technology. The reasons given include too many providers, too many different system functions, plus the costs of acquiring and operating the systems.

This is where the IAA symposium on “Purchasing advice for telematics: on the path to the right system – costs and capabilities of telematics systems”, to be jointly organised at Hannover on September 24 by the trade magazine “VerkehrsRundschau” and the VDA, assumes significance.

The symposium will offer some orientation to companies interested in telematics. Following the success of the first event of this type at the 63rd IAA Commercial Vehicles in 2010, now telematics experts are again helping out with information that is both practical and user-oriented to show which system is the most suitable for a particular company and which system will pay off over the total period of use.

The symposium is aimed at all decision-makers in forwarding and transport companies and in industry and commerce who are responsible for fleets or IT. An introduction to the topic from the VDA Managing Director, Dr. Ulrich Eichhorn, will be followed by Karl-Heinz Neu, Director of Schmitz Cargobull Telematics, Münster, talking about “The capabilities of modern trailer telematics.” He will explain the functions and system components illustrated with examples from actual practice.

Bernd Schoob, Managing Director of Fleetconsult GmbH, Geldern, will speak on the “Return on investment in telematics projects.” Alexander Németh, ANE Projektmanagement & Training, Berlin, covers the topic “Digital tachograph and telematics – system interplay in archiving.” Prof. Heinz-Leo Dudek, of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Ravensburg, will present “Exclusive study results: an overview of the telematics systems market”, including a current overview of providers with their services and prices.