New name, new slogan, new concept – more than 1,400 exhibitors from 42 countries under the “People and goods on the move” slogan – the latest innovations can be seen live on-site
IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022 will be held in Hanover from the 20th to 25th September. The world’s largest platform for transport and logistics restarts with a new innovative concept after the break caused by the pandemic. Formerly known as IAA Commercial Vehicles, which focused on light and heavy commercial vehicles, the new concept covers the entire transport and logistics spectrum. Lower Saxony’s Minister President Stephan Weil, Hanover’s Lord Mayor Belit Onay and VDA President Hildegard Müller will open IAA TRANSPORTATION on the 20th September.
“IAA TRANSPORTATION brings an industry, without which daily life would not function, into the public spotlight: commercial vehicles – whether small or large – are essential pillars for a functioning economy – both for transport and logistics. The industry’s innovative and sustainable solutions are already making an enormous contribution to climate protection. This includes buses, which will be in the spotlight at this year’s IAA. We can hardly wait to present many of the industry’s fascinating innovations and impressive new products at this IAA”, explained Hildegard Müller, the VDA President.
Jürgen Mindel, the CEO of VDA, is extremely satisfied with the level of interest shown in IAA Transportation: “the new concept received an extremely positive response. All of the planned hall spaces are fully booked out. We have registered a higher proportion of international exhibitors and partners than in previous years. More than 1,400 exhibitors from a total of 42 countries will be presenting their innovations and concepts. Amongst them are international and national manufacturers as well as suppliers, infrastructure providers, bus manufacturers, tech-companies, start-ups and, for the first time, cargo bike manufacturers. And exhibitors of trailers, truck trailers and constructors of superstructures as well as suppliers therefore are traditionally strongly represented again, they form by far the largest groups of exhibitors. This year we have over 260 exhibitors of trailers and special bodies and almost 600 suppliers”.
“IAA Transportation is being held during an extremely challenging economic environment”, emphasized Müller and the forecast for the international commercial vehicle markets has been adjusted accordingly: “in view of the current tense economic situation and the high level of uncertainty, we only expect a slight 5 per cent increase in the heavy-duty European commercial vehicle market this year. We had to lower our forecast from +5 per cent to +2 per cent for the US commercial market. We have also recently lowered our 2022 forecast for the Chinese heavy-duty commercial vehicle market from -20 per cent to -35 per cent”.
“The companies, who are undeterred by this, are continuing to invest and innovate with commitment and determination in order to realize climate-neutral and digital transport systems. The entire industry will be showing just how successful it already is at IAA – and that it is setting global standards with its solutions. The new concept will enable this IAA to focus on the innovations and trends implemented along the path to climate-neutral logistics – and it will also enable visitors to grasp, explore and see these developments up close. We look forward to your visit,” said Müller.
Formats and offers at IAA TRANSPORTATION
IAA EXPERIENCE: Innovations to be experienced: part of the new IAA TRANSPORTATION concept will make it possible for you to see the latest innovations on-site. Various formats have been developed as part of the IAA EXPERIENCE and they will place greater focus on visitors being able to experience, try out and interact at IAA TRANSPORTATION.
A summary:
- You will be able to try out a total of 22 heavy and 39 light commercial vehicles at IAA Test Drives. The testing will be carried out in a climate-neutral manner: nearly 50 of the vehicles are alternatively powered: about 90 per cent of them are purely electric and a good 10 per cent are powered by a fuel cell. The remaining vehicles use renewable diesel fuel. A test track is available on the site for the test drives. More information – for booking as well – can be found here.
- Live demonstrations of the latest recharging infrastructure will be held at the “Plug & Play Campus”. This is where the test drive exhibitors will be recharging their vehicles. Only 100% green electricity will be used. A hydrogen filling station, where the test vehicles can fill up with green hydrogen, rounds off the offer.
- Innovative solutions for last-mile transport are more in demand than ever before. Exhibitors will be presenting their innovations and trends on the way to efficient and climate-neutral logistics in the specially prepared IAA Last Mile Area. From e-cargo bikes or delivery robots to e-vans and concepts from the Internet-of-things or SaaS platforms. You can find more information here.
- Cargo bikes are the ideal transport vehicles to use for last mile deliveries. That’s what it’s all about at our IAA Cargo bike Parcours. Visitors will be able to test the latest models under real conditions in the outdoor area to the north of Hall 26 – with curb simulations, inclines, slopes and uneven ground. You will find all of the participating manufacturers listed here.
- Visitors will be able to have products, innovative solutions and services presented by a maximum of eight exhibitors during the Guided Tours. They will be able to choose from special bus, truck, infrastructure and urban themes. You can now register for tours that will be conducted in English or German here.
- 68 young, new, innovative and creative companies from 14 countries will be presenting their transport and logistics solutions for tomorrow’s emission-free and efficient transport in our IAA Start up Area.
- IAA Conference & theme days: the IAA Conference at this year’s IAA TRANSPORTATION will provide the impetus for sustainable, social, technical, economic and political aspects regarding global transport. International opinion leaders from all of the relevant sectors will discuss the current challenges and present their solutions and visions for the global and regional transport in the future. Another important part of the new concept is the four theme days that will be held as part of our IAA Conference. International and national speakers will discuss, analyze and present current topics and trends from the logistics, trade, infrastructure and municipal transport sectors in formats such as keynotes, panel talks or fireside chats, i.e., conversations that will be held with just a small circle of participants. For the first time ever, IAA TRANSPORTATION will be cooperating with leading industry associations and partners, who will be presenting their relevant theme days as part of this partnership. You can find a summary of the theme days and the particular speakers here:
- Award ceremonies will be held on press day, which is Monday the 19th September. The annual “Stars of the year” award ceremonies will also be held then. “Truck of the year”, “Bus of the year” and “Van of the year” will all be honored. The “Truck innovation award” will also be presented. The awards will be presented by a European jury of experts who are all independent from IAA. On the other hand, visitors can expect another premiere on Thursday the 22nd September: The “2022 international cargo bike of the year” prize will be awarded for the first time. The award ceremony will take place as part of our cooperation project with the “Cycle Logistics Association”.