IndianOil Day celebrated with due rewards for innovators


The IndianOil R&D Centre celebrated IndianOil Day at Faridabad on September 6 by duly rewarding the spirit of innovation. The celebrations were led by Dr. RK Malhotra, Director (R&D).

The air in the auditorium throbbed with excitement as the team of innovators and inventors from the R&D Centre walked up onstage to be recognized as the ones to have added to the intellectual property of the Corporation. Amidst reverberating applause and admiring glances, three teams of R&D scientists won Rs. 2 lakh each for foreign patents (granted), while two teams won Rs. 1 lakh each for Indian patents. One team was richer by Rs. 25,000 for acquiring design registration in India. Not less than 12 teams were richer by Rs. 25,000 each for filing patents during the year.

All these patents were the result of hard work and long hours in the laboratories as the IndianOil scientists wracked their brains to come up with new solutions related to process improvements and superior product offerings.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Malhotra observed: “During the year, the Intellectual Property Incentive scheme was introduced to reward individuals for their contribution in generation of innovative ideas for new products and processes, thus enhancing the IP wealth of the organization. I am happy that some of our colleagues are being rewarded on this day for the first time under this scheme.”

Expressing concern over the current volatile geo-political situation that is impacting global crude oil prices, he said: “Innovative technologies developed by our scientists go a long way in saving the forex spent on sourcing foreign technologies”.

He also expressed faith in the capabilities of R&D scientists to rise to the occasion and serve the country by coming out with innovative technologies for more cost-efficient and environment-friendly fuels and processes.

On the occasion, Mr. S.K. Sarangi, ED (Alternative Energy), Dr. B. Basu, ED (Lube Technology), Ms. Madhu Nangia, ED (Finance, Materials & IS), and Mr. B.P. Das, ED (Refining Technology), presented a brief overview each of their respective areas of activity. The event was graced by former senior colleagues who have served the R&D Centre.

Earlier, on September 1, the families of team R&D gathered to celebrate the joyous day with a cultural extravaganza, blood donation camp, etc.