KMS making rapid strides in bus body building segment


KMS Coach has been a fast-growing player in bus body building since inception in 2006. Its Managing Director, Mr. Ismail Shariff, comes with over three decades of experience in the field, which has helped the company deliver excellent results and record strong growth over the years. Based out of Karnataka, one of the most developed States in India when it comes to bus transportation, KMS continues to work closely with its customers as it gears up for the much-awaited second phase of the JnNurm scheme. We get an update from Mr. Shariff on KMS’ steady growth over the years and its plans for the next phase ahead.


How has the year 2013 been in terms of business at KMS Coach? What were the major highlights and achievements at KMS in the last couple of years?

The year 2013 has been fairly good. KMS has been building buses for Karnataka STUs besides buses for Ashok Leyland. KMS has achieved a record Half Year’s Turnover of Rs. 81.00 crore till the end of Sept. 2013. Besides undertaking construction of buses for STUs KMS has taken up construction of export buses for Ashok Leyland.

The bus market has not been too bright in recent times. How has KMS been able to sustain and do well despite such tough market conditions? How many buses did you sell in 2012? What numbers are you expecting to reach this year and the next?

Since our major customers are STUs, demand for buses has not been affected as the STUs are inducting buses for replacement of old buses as well as for augmentation of new routes. Besides, development of new models for city buses has also contributed for sustaining the growth.


Karnataka is known for having introduced new concepts and technologies in the bus segment. KMS being a major player in the state, have you introduced any new models or variants recently? While you have been a strong player in the city-bus segment, how is your inter-city bus business faring?

KMS developed the concept of Semi Low Floor for city buses. All the new buses which are in operation in various cities of Karnataka are of this type built by KMS, which also supplied integral coach (moncoque) A/C Premium class buses to BMTC in 2012. As regards inter-city, most of the Express Class buses which are inducted by STUs of Karnataka during the last five years are built by KMS / I-MAC. KMS has also supplied luxury class Rajahamsa buses to STUs.


You have been working closely with STUs in the southern States. How is your collaboration with them? Have you bagged orders from any new STU in the recent past?

We have been catering to the major requirements of KSRTC, BMTC, NEKRTC, NWKRTC and TNSTC. Besides, KMS is also building buses for Ashok Leyland and Tata Motors who are selling our fully-built vehicles to several STUs across the country. In view of full utilization of capacity, we are not approaching any new STUs.

KSRTC and BMTC have been important customers for KMS. Are you currently working on any major orders or new models with them? Please share details.

Presently we are building moffussil and city buses for KSRTC and BMTC. We are working on the development of midi buses for feeder routes in city areas.


Orders under execution are:

• KSRTC Express: 200

• NEKRTC City: 075

• NWKRTC Moffussil: 060

• BMTC City: 300

What is the current capacity at your facility in Bangalore? Have you done any recent upgradations at your plant to match the growing standards of quality, design and safety in the market?

Our current capacity is around 300 buses per month. We have commissioned I-Mac India Coach Builders Pvt. Ltd., with improved infrastructure to improve the quality with in-house facilities for seat manufacturing, tube tolling, etc., which are essential for bus body building. This has helped us improve product quality, besides ensuring timely delivery.


Have your bus designs been approved as per ARAI standards, and has your facility received CIRT accreditation?

Both our units, KMS Coach Builders and I-Mac India Coach Builders Pvt. Ltd., are accredited by CIRT. We are building buses as per the specifications given by the customers which conform to the ARAI standards. We have also obtained CIRT certification for various assemblies like windows, passenger seats, etc.

How is your partnership with the OEMs? Which are the major OEMs you work with? You had a plan to set up a facility in Hosur catering mainly to Ashok Leyland. Could you please give us an update on the plan?

We have been building various types of buses for Ashok Leyland, including export buses. We are also building STU buses for Tata Motors. Presently we have no plan to set up a bus body building facility at Hosur.

With the much-awaited second phase of JnNurm around the corner, how do you plan to leverage on the huge opportunity in store for the bus-body building players?

We are eagerly waiting for II Phase of the JNNURM scheme. We are planning to increase the production capacity by adding additional infrastructure to meet the demand for more buses.