By R.Natarajan, Managing Editor & Publisher, MOTORINDIA
Since implementation of the National Automotive Policy (NAP) of Malaysia, the automotive sector in the country is getting special boost in terms of product quality and standard. The policy has its special thrust on liberalisation and transformation programmes as well as safety and environmental protection.

This observation was made by Mr. Dato’ Sri Jeffry Ong Eng Hong JP, President of Federation of Engineering and Motor Parts Traders Associations, Malaysia, who led a special 11-member delegation that visited Chennai, at a special session held for discussing mutual co-operation in the field between the two countries.
He said environment protection is a major area of concern. Since CO2 emission has become a global problem, the United Nations has drawn up strict norms on this issue and urged member-countries to observe them. Understanding the severe impact of the CO2 emission, Malaysia has beefed up its transformation program by encouraging production of electric vehicles. Further, hybrid cars are now a common sight everywhere in the country, and total domestic electric vehicles now formed 42.8% of the total vehicle population in the country.
Under NAP, the Government emphasized the choice of fuel to be strictly regulated by WTO as well as the United Nations. Presently, Euro 4M RON 97, a cleaner fuel, carrying a higher quality standard than before, is being widely used in the market in an effort to reduce CO2 emission.
Stressing that NAP is significant in furthering the development of the national automotive industry, Mr. Dato’ Sri Jeffry Ong Eng Hong JP observed that investments in the assembly or manufacture of hybrid and electric vehicles will be granted the Pioneer Status for 10 years. Areas of investment covered manufacture of selected critical components supporting hybrid and electric vehicles.
In fact, with the liberalisation and transformation programs being carried out under NAP, there are huge business and investment opportunities to be tapped, especially with the emerging markets provided by the ASEAN countries.
Mr. Dato’ Sri Jeffry Ong Eng Hong JP concluded saying: “We believe the trade mission has come to the right place where our counterparts in Chennai would be keen to look forward for the opportunities of any form of partnership or joint venture project for our mutual exploration.