MEGATRANS2018 during May 10-12

MEGATRANS2018, to be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre during May 10-12, will be a key connection piece within the Australian and international supply chain, bringing together those who plan, implement and control efficient, effective forward flow and storage of goods, services and related information from product inception to the end-user.

The exhibitors at the event will be road transport companies and those associated with sea, rail, air, warehousing, infrastructure, materials & handling and safety industries.

Visitors are mainly hands-on and operational decision makers like those from supply chain, logistics & infrastructure, manufacturing & freight originators as well as local, State and Federal Government, regulatory bodies and urban planners.

As the borders between industries are blurring, new multi-dimensional concepts have to be adopted to face the challenges, with MEGATRANS2018 leading the way.

The ultimate aim of the show is to serve quality by understanding the latest trends, streamline processes by exploring new technologies, reduce development costs and lead time by comparing best practices,  accelerate market entry by finding new joint venture partners, create new services by making new innovations, and prepare for the biggest industrial revolution of a generation.

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