A wide range of topical issues discussed

Reiterating its commitment to promote the cause of Quality and Reliability by offering a fresh approach, innovation and change to deliver better quality in every walk of life, the National Institution for Quality and Reliability (NIQR), along with the Quality Council of India (QCI), organized its 14th biennial convention with the theme “Quality – the Global Winning Edge” in Chennai on June 20.
Inaugurating the convention, Mr. B. Muthuraman, Vice Chairman, Tata Steel, said: “The survival of Indian industry is pegged onto addressing ‘Quality’. Quality consciousness does not arise spontaneously or independently. It has to be nurtured and promoted by adoption of different measures aimed at creating a vertically and horizontally integrated approach towards making Quality as the way of life.”
The NIQR convention surely acts as a forum at all levels, to take account of where and how successful Quality measures are implemented to bring the different stakeholders together in order to identify initiatives, forging future collaborations and building partnerships for the industry’s future, he added.
In his address, Mr. G. Rangarajan, Chairman, NIQR Chennai Branch, observed that working with QCI, the convention aims at addressing the various aspects of Quality and how adoption of Quality as a way of life will greatly enhance competitiveness and push Indian industry towards an accelerated phase of growth.
He also pointed out that one of the consequences of a strong and growing economy is that there is greater need now for better Quality in every walk of life and tackling the related issues as a key long-term priority, which, if not addressed, could have an adverse impact on long-term economic growth.
The convention dealt with critical issues such as innovation, cost competitiveness, bench-marking practices, skill development & quality education, role of leadership, reliability and organization culture at special seven sessions addressed by eminent leaders in their respective field.
The convention also stressed the need for bringing together industry professionals from across the industry spectrum on a single platform to devise strategies for future endeavours to make Quality a way of life.
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NIQR felicitates Award winners for outstanding contribution to quality

The NIQR Awards were presented to different industry leaders on the concluding day of the convention held in Chennai.
The NIQR-GKD Award for Outstanding Organisation 2014 was given to Maruti Suzuki India. Mr. Ajay K. Tomar, Executive Director (QA), Maruti Suzuki, who received the Award, said: “Indian industry has come a long way in the quality journey. Though endless, it is most essential to continue the journey, so that we can show to the world that India is capable of producing quality products.”
Mr. L. Ganesh, Chairman, Rane Group, who was was presented the NIQR-Bajaj Auto Award for Outstanding Quality Man – 2014, observed that he was dedicating the Award to all the employees of the Rane Group.

Recalling the meeting he participated in late 1980s, perhaps his first exposure to TQM, he said even one ppm defect was not acceptable by a popular television company in Japan, while the representatives from India were delighted over the lower ppm levels. The role of organisations like NIQR will never end as the journey towards improving quality is pretty long.
Receiving the NIQR- Susira Award for Outstanding Small Scale Industry – 2014 was presented to Anusham Industries, Chennai, Mr. D. Prabhu, its Managing Director, recalled his exposure at India Pistons Ltd. where he began his career as a quality professional. This helped him to focus on quality as a key parameter. “We follow ‘Dreaming, Thinking, Planning, Performing and Achieving’ as a formula to achieve our goals. This made us to supply at zero ppm to a few of our customers, including Ashok Leyland,” he said.

While the NIQR-TVN Kiado Award for Outstanding Educational Institution – 2014 was given to the Sasi Institute of Technology and Engineering, the NIQR- Lucas-TVS Award for Outstanding Service Organisation – 2014 was presented to the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) of Gujarat.
Including this year’s awardees, so far 28 organisations have won the NIQR Award for Outstanding Organisation, 21 eminent leaders were bestowed with Outstanding Quality Man, eight companies won Outstanding Small Scale Industry, six service organisations were given Outstanding Service Organisation and five colleges received Outstanding Educational Institution.

Felicitating the awardees, Mr. N. Venkataramani, Chairman and Managing Director of India Pistons, said: “Great accomplishments of corporates and individuals need to be recognised as it would help kindle the spirit of others to achieve their goals. After Maruti quality, cost and delivery became key parameters to sustain in the business. Despite continuing for so long, the vehicle manufacturers are raising the bar year on year.”
Complimenting the Rane Group, he observed: “It requires enormous commitment on the part of Ganesh and his leadership to drive the culture of quality. The Rane Group is the second organisation in the world to be recognised with the highest number of Deming Awards in the world. The group received four Deming Prizes and three Deming Grand Prizes”.

Mr. Venkataramani also complimented Anushum Industries for its commitment to supply quality components.
Delivering his presidential address, Mr. C.V. Shankar, Principal Sectary – Industries, Government of Tamil Nadu, said: “The NIQR Awards will enthuse many more organizations to strive for better quality and achieve their goals. Quality is very difficult to achieve since it is the mindset and has to be imbibed in every cell on the body. It is difficult in implement and even more difficult to sustain it.”
Recalling the world heritage site in Dharasuram in Tanjore district, known for its intricate sculptures, he said Tamil Nadu has traditionally been home to such outstanding quality. “Practicing quality is a culture, and it is necessary to ingrain it in our mindset”.

Earlier, Mr. G.R. Janarthanan, National President of NIQR, welcomed the gathering. Mr. S. Ramachandran, National Secretary, proposed a vote of thanks.
NIQR – the quality movement in India
“Quality is everyone’s responsibility”, “It is not enough to do your best, you must know what to do, and then do your best.”
– Dr. Deming’s quotes.
Recent trends of opening up of the Indian economy to global competition and development of free enterprise within the country have further enhanced the need of quality as the key element for survival and growth. While considerable efforts are being made in this direction, the fact remains that India still has a long way to go before it can catch up with advanced countries. The need of the hour is a common forum for quality promotion on a country-wide basis. Through this forum, acceleration in the pace of progress of the national quality and reliability movement could be achieved. Further, knowledge could be easily shared, experiences exchanged and a broader national perspective evolved.

It was precisely in recognition of this need that National Institution for Quality and Reliability (NIQR) was formed. In a private meeting with MOTORINDIA, Mr. G.R. Janarthanan, National President, NIQR, and Executive Director – Rings, India Pistons Ltd., and Mr. G. Rangarajan, Chairman, NIQR – Chennai Branch, and CEO Consultants, highlighted the role of NIQR in promoting quality as a way of life in the Indian industry and service organisations through education and training.
“NIQR came into existence in July 1987 with the merger of National Institute of Quality Assurance and the Indian Association for Quality and Reliability. It is a world class professional organisation dedicated for the enhancement of quality. It is also the Governing Council member of Quality Council of India, which is playing a pivotal role in promoting, adopting and adhering to quality standards in all important spheres of activities at national level. Since inception, the institute has been very active in conducting trainings, seminars, holding consultancies and workshops in various Indian industries and service organisations”, explained Mr. Janarthanan.
NIQR has been concentrating particularly on small-scale industries and gives training up to the lowest level of workman. Recently, the institute has started student chapters in several engineering and poly technique colleges in order to inculcate the knowledge of quality at an early stage.

Mr. Rangarajan also explained the institute’s cluster program and how it is being introduced in small-scale units in India. He says: “We believe that enthusiasm of students should start in the early stages. We have got eight student chapters where we have a nominal annual fee of Rs. 50 per year. We have been giving them regular lectures, free books on TQM and quality awareness. NIQR has a cluster program wherein it concentrates on small scale industries who supply to OEMs. Though these industries do not have the facility for training and consulting which the OEMs have, they feel the quality of their product is very important. We have completed the training and also implemented it in more than 100 companies who supply parts to Ashok Leyland. We have a mentor for every five company who teaches them basic steps in TQM. After the implementation of these practices in the company, the management gives a presentation in the areas in which the company has achieved remarkable improvement like reducing wastage there by the cost and prompt delivery.”
NIQR has implemented its cluster programs in several units at the Ambattur Industrial Estate in Chennai, in Salem, Bangalore and Hosur. The institute has over 1000 student members who have enrolled in its training programs.