Reflexallen bolstering India’s robust growth

TrendingNow – Reflexallen is riding high on its world-renowned safety devices, electrical, pneumatic and fluid power products in five different continents across the globe.

Mr. Daniel Zini, GM – RA China, Reflexallen

Mr. Daniel Zini, GM – RA China, said: “We bring innovative products in the OEM and the aftermarket business in Europe and all across the world. We opened a subsidiary in China in 2008, in the US four years later. In 2013, we opened our representative office in Japan to serve local OEMs. In 2014, we established our businesses across the world and acquired different companies around the world for their specialties such as an Italian company for composites, a Brazilian company for making rubber for passenger cars and commercial vehicles and a nylon company in India which already had three plants serving the OEMs there.” In a long line of acquisitions, they took a Czech Republic-based electrical business in 2016.

IndianCentric – Reflexallen India is having the highest growth amongst all other subsidiaries of the company and the Founder & CEO of the Group is determined to further bolster the business here. Mr. Zini shared: “In India, we mainly cater to trucks, buses and engines. The market has become the second highest growing entity of the group and we have big plans for it. And that is why we are investing also big in terms of machinery, automation to expand our product portfolio.” In the latest plans, Reflexallen is driving two products mainly – the Fuel, Coolant and SCR applications for the new emission standards introduced with Euro VI.

It is significant to learn that Reflexallen has been maintaining a double-digit growth year on year.